Destruction is the stomping ground of PNC

Dear Editor,
It is not coincidence that the brutal murder of two innocent teenagers on the West Coast of Berbice could have been exploited in such a manner as to cause civil strife. And as is expected, the PNC are at the centre of this controversy as they go about relentlessly pushing their own racial and political agenda. This is vintage PNC at their worst, where every single instance of crime being committed is seen, I would say should be seen, through eyes of race and politics. To this end, the murders of two teenagers on the West Coast of Berbice have erupted a series of senseless crime scenes.
Now, let us examine the performance of the PNC while in and out of power. Here we go:
The PNC/APNU, whatever you want to call them, would have us see crime through racial lenses. I am talking about the deaths of the two teenagers on the West Coast of Berbice. Immediately as news of their demise came to light, PNC, as the opportunistic cannibals they are, jumped on the issue and exploited this sad situation for their own narrow political ends. Their first aim was to make it a racial issue, pitting Afro-Guyanese against their Indian counterparts. Instead of seeking investigative clarity and conviction to a heinous crime, they were more interested in waging a vicious political campaign.
A series of civil atrocities ensued, such as the burning of tyres, old cars and the like. It also developed into ugly beating of innocent civilians as well as the burning of buildings and other personal properties.
It is a sinister plot to make Guyana ungovernable. Having lost the election, the PNC are bent on making life difficult for the governing party. In fact, Harmon stated this emphatically at the home of one of the slain teens.
During their time in office, they formed a Ministry of Social Cohesion, but was there any cohesion in our nation? I am afraid not. That Ministry was used as a tool to enhance narrow, selfish, politically-aligned projects, rather than fostering racial harmony. It was a replica of the Burnhamite Ministry of National Mobilisation. Simply put, it was a ministry of national confusion, making the racial divide even wider still.
At a time when the PPP/C are busy preparing a budget to get this country moving forward, would that party stoop so low as to want the two innocent black teenagers dead? That just does not make any sense. What would the PPP/C stand to benefit from the deaths of these two youngsters? The answer is nothing. However, the PNC stand to get cheap political mileage out of this unfortunate occasion, and this they are making the most of. It is sad, it is disgraceful, to make political football with the lives of these two lads.
If we delve into the not-so-distant past, we see a pattern of these ghoulish, ghastly acts (a) The 1964 riots: The PNC was the major player in all of this (b) Crum-Ewing’s  murder just 3 days before Election 2015: to this day no one has been convicted, although a promise was made by Granger to investigate and bring the person/s to justice. (c) The Linden riots, where three youths were shot and killed. Was this an accident or was it murder? Local investigative forensics show the bullets did not come from the Police. The pronouncement of a foreign forensic expert corroborated the local forensics that the bullets did not come from the Police. Yet, the PPP/C Government of the day compensated the families of the deceased. The incoming Granger Regime then gave a further $77M to the families.
I have left this for the last, I make mention of the Lusignan Massacre, where, beyond the shadow of a doubt, 11 innocent lives were snuffed out by “Afro Freedom Fighters” as they were fondly called by the PNC. Just take a close look at the PNC Opposition then, as they gave all necessary support to the killers. They gloated in the deaths of those at Lusignan, a most despicable act ever.
I do not wish to go further, seeing this would open up deep wounds that might not heal, but suffice it to say: Let us live in peace!
Finally, our nation has been under tremendous duress for far too long by the PNC party, and it is high time that we get on the road to racial harmony and development. We will not be blindsided by the narrow myopic vulgarity of the opposition; their policies of doom and destruction would not divide us. The tribalism that is ever so much a part of the PNC would not deter us from the goal ahead.

Neil Adams