Dear Editor,
Please permit me to share my predictions and recommendations for the upcoming recount and final declaration of Guyana Elections 2020. Every decision regarding this process has thus far been controversial.
GECOM has also been reactive rather than proactive towards a timely resolution for free, fair and credible elections. This makes it absolutely necessary for the recount process to be as expeditious and transparent as possible. This allows every stakeholder to accept the result or final declaration of GECOM.
The key stakeholders are the people of Guyana who cast their votes on March 2, 2020. This brings the need for live streaming of said process. I predict that if the process is not transparent, nor televised then we will have civil unrest which will be further devastating to Guyana, amid the COVID-19 pandemic with rising cases and deaths. Seeing is believing!
The recommendations are as follows:
1. Have 10 different news outlets stream one recounting station each. This eliminates any of the concerns by Vincent Alexander and by extension the PNC whereby they claimed that TVG is biased. NB TVG offered to live stream the process.
2. All current Statements of Poll (SoP) received by Chief Elections Officer from all 10 regions from the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections be published on the GECOM website, most importantly the SoPs from Region Four. These are public documents, not the property of GECOM.
3. Ballot boxes removed from and returned to the containers must be accompanied by representatives from all competing parties and the Guyana Police Force. To avoid confusion and mix up of the boxes, a second set of empty storage containers must be obtained to store the ballot boxes that were recounted and resealed.
4. The Chair of GECOM supervise the entire process and do what is right by the younger generations of Guyana and not by what political motive/influence she is leaning towards. Her office requires bipartisanism, nothing else will suffice.
It is also noteworthy to point out that Guyanese have not had a legal Government over a year now. This has had an enormous economic strain on Guyana that is unsustainable. On the point of economics, there are no statistics or key performance indicators showing poverty or unemployment rates and many other aspects of our country’s performance. We do know that some funds in the national treasury are depleted while we have funds that cannot be accessed unless there is a legitimate Government in place.
As evident in the past several months, we see all the gimmicks and antics of the PNC that point to them creating a much more sinister situation through threats of civil unrest to allow for Mr Granger to be sworn in under a state of emergency. Seeing is believing!
Most of the decision-makers, including Madam Chair, are over 50 years old and have lived most of their lives. Their decisions have all been covered with contempt for the other party or race. We have a large younger generation that does not care about race unless you feed them the same hate you have been fed.
As a concerned law-abiding, tax-paying citizen of beautiful Guyana, I am confident that once the recount is free, fair, transparent and credible, Guyanese will accept the final declaration results.
I humbly and finally recommend to all persons involved to find it in your hearts to allow this process to conclude without hindrance or interference by any malicious person that wants to rip the very nimble thread of hope that every Guyanese has been holding onto since March 2, 2020. Thank you.
Christopher Singh