Dharamlall rape allegation: DPP advises Police to conduct further investigations

…as anonymous caller threatens to “burn down” office

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has advised the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to conduct further investigations into the allegation of rape against Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Nigel Dharamlall.
The advice was delivered on Wednesday, almost a week after the Police file was handed over to the DPP.
In a statement to the media on Tuesday, the Office of the DPP, which is headed by Shalimar Ali-Hack, explained that the Police file was being given due legal attention. Further, the Office of the DPP made it clear that constitutional functions are executed in an impartial manner.

Local Government Minister Nigel Dharamlall

“This Police file in question is only one of thousands of Police files which the DPP’s Office receives from all stations in all 10 administrative regions of Guyana for legal attention. Files for persons in custody are given priority. The DPP’s Office will continue to carry out its constitutional functions in an impartial manner,” the DPP Office said in its statement.
With the Police being instructed to conduct further investigations, additional findings will have to be documented and resubmitted to the DPP for advice on the way forward. It is expected that this advice would determine whether or not the Minister would face charges.

Threat to DPP
Meanwhile, an anonymous caller on Wednesday morning threatened to burn down the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), and the matter has since been reported to the Police.
“…he gonna rape yuh mother, rape that old witch that deh in the office…that DPP Office gon burn down…I don’t give a damn, alyuh can do whatever yall want,” the caller is heard telling the receptionist upon her answering the phone.
Only on Tuesday, the Office of the DPP issued a statement wherein it emphasised that it would not be intimidated by persons who profess to want justice in the matter regarding the rape allegation against Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Nigel Dharamlall.
“The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has observed that members of the Opposition political parties have mounted protests in front of its office. The DPP’s Office will not be intimidated by these individuals, who profess to want justice in a criminal matter even while a Police file is being given due legal attention,” the DPP Office has said.
The Office of the DPP is headed by Shalimar Ali-Hack.

The Office of the DPP is headed by Shalimar Ali-Hack, SC

Respect outcome
Meanwhile, President Dr. Irfaan Ali on Tuesday assured that he would respect the outcome of the investigation, and indicated that the fate of the Minister as a Government Minister would be determined at the appropriate time.
“As President, I have no choice but to stand behind the decisions of the institutions. The institutions are independent of the Executive. It’s not a matter of standing behind, it is a matter of respecting whatever outcome is there,” the Head of State told media operatives.
“I am very strong on people’s rights and women and children; there is no compromise with that. I made it very clear from the inception that there is a procedure that has to be followed, and we have to trust our system. That system has commenced the investigation. I am not involved with that. The Minister proceeded on leave to allow that system to work. When the system completes its work, then subsequent decisions will be made,” President Ali added.
Minister Dharamlall is currently on administrative leave, following the allegation of sexual misconduct which first surfaced on social media two weeks ago. The allegations attracted the attention of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and the Child Care and Protection Agency (CC&PA), who have since launched investigations into the matter.
The Police Force confirmed that an investigation has been launched, and, in fact, the sitting Minister presented himself at the Brickdam Police Station in the company of his lawyer, where he was arrested and placed on $1,000,000 bail as Police probe the matter.
The Minister has retained the services of Hughes, Fields & Stoby, which is Nigel Hughes’s law firm, to represent him in this matter. All the allegations have been denied, Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes has indicated.