Diamond-to-Craig 4 lane-highway to be completed this year – Croal

…tenders out for highway from Craig to Land of Canaan

Government’s road projects are moving rapidly ahead, among them the Diamond to Craig, East Bank of Demerara (EBD) four-lane Highway which Housing and Water Minister, Collin Croal expects will be completed this year.
Last year, the government awarded contracts totaling $11 Billion for the continuation of the new East Bank Demerara four-lane highway from Diamond to Buzz Bee Dam, Craig. During Wednesday’s Dream Realised Housing Drive at the Arthur Chung Conference Center, Housing Minister Collin Croal assured that this project was on track to be completed this year.
“Our other critical projects include, as you see if you go on the East Bank, the extension of the four lanes from the Eccles landfill road from Windsor Estate junction that goes to the East Bank public road.”
“Then you also have, on the periphery, widening or enhancement works that are being done on Massy Road. Windsor Estate Road. And Greenfield Road. We also have the completion of the Diamond to Craig four lane highway, which will be completed by the end of this year.”
The Diamond to Buzz Bee Dam Road bypass road project involves the construction of concrete drains at Grove, the widening of Back Street, Diamond; Third Avenue, Diamond; and First Bridge, New Grove.
The project is divided into 12 lots and includes the construction of more than 30 reinforced concrete bridges, 8.6 kilometres of reinforced concrete highway road, and two roundabouts. Other phases include the building and widening of bridges to link New Grove to Kaneville and Grove to Good Success. These projects are funded by the Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB) US$100 million loan under the Support Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development programme.
Minister Croal also referenced the Craig to Land of Caanan four lane Highway, for which tenders were recently issued by the Ministry of Housing. In this year’s budget, the government had allocated $69.3 Billion for the highways being built under the Ministry of Housing. This was one of the highways.
“And also, you will see the continuation of the Craig to Land of Caanan four lane highway, for which the tenders are out now. So, it means the construction will commence, this year in 2024,” Minister Croal added.
The first phase of the new East Bank Demerara four-lane highway was the $2.6 Billion Mandela Avenue to Eccles Road, which was commissioned by the PPP/C government back in April of 2022.
The second phase of the road was extended from the Eccles Dumpsite Road all the way to Diamond to the tune of $13.3 billion. The goal is to connect this new highway all the way to Timehri.
Simultaneously, works are ongoing to connect the East Bank of Demerara to the East Coast of Demerara with a bypass road running from Ogle to Eccles.
It was announced in January 2022 that Ashoka Buildcon Limited won the contract to construct the Ogle to Eccles Road, ahead of two other Indian companies. Ashoka has built a number of bridges and roads. RITES Limited, also out of India, secured the US$3.2 million contract for the provision of supervisory services for this bypass project.
Since the road construction is being financed by the EXIM Bank of India, it is a condition that companies from that country execute the various types of works, with assistance/support from local firms.
This project will see the construction of some 7.8 kilometres of road from the East Coast to the East Bank with each of the four lanes being 3.6 metres wide. The Highway will also feature a median in the middle and sidewalks as well as several connector roads especially at the East Bank end to allow for further diversion of traffic. (G3)