Dear Editor,
It has now become the operational trademark of the PPP/C Government and its Ministers to do not only constant and regular outreaches, but meaningful ones which permeate each and every Region of our country.
The Ministers not only listen to all Guyanese, with no discrimination to any political party’s support base, but provide prompt solutions to a number of issues which have been plaguing Guyanese over the most painful and excruciatingly difficult five years of Coalition rule.
That was a period which, not unlike the ignominious 28 years of PNC dictatorship, Guyanese at home and in the diaspora, and in this generation and the future generations, would never forget.
I must note here that the Coalition did venture to have a few outreaches, but this was only after the successful passing of the No Confidence Motion in December 2018. Those outreaches not only cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions, but they produced nothing except more empty promises. In fact, the Coalition had started their election campaign under the guise of outreaches, and rode extravagantly on the backs of the already overburdened and impoverished taxpayers.
The outreach of the PPP/C Government at the Albion Sports Complex saw hundreds of issues being ventilated to the various subject Ministers, and resolutions for most of these was almost instantaneous.
The Minister of Agriculture, Mr Zulfikar Mustapha, was at his usual best. Walking with his A Team, he doggedly sifted through the various problems raised by people from both the length and breadth of Berbice. He did this for over 5 hours non-stop. What could be solved immediately he did, leaving the remainder with definite instructions and timelines to bring about speedy resolutions.
Everyone went away completely satisfied that this Government is working by their side. The Outreach echoed the words of the President, that his Government would work on behalf of all Guyanese to make their lives better.
Guyanese are now seeing what the ‘good life’ means, not only with the Budget 2021, but by walking with the people and ensuring that the monies reach the intended beneficiaries.
I know for a fact that the success of these outreaches can only multiply in the days ahead. The President and his Ministers had hit the ground running from Day 1, and they have now accelerated the pace.
Yours sincerely,
Haseef Yusuf