Different strokes…

Different strokes…

…for Jagdeo
It’s clear as a sunlit day in our tropical clime that this Government’s motto is “GET PPP!!”. Or more pointedly, “Get Jagdeo!” And they plan to “get” him by any means necessary. But from where your Eyewitness sits – and he sits as far from the political crowd as he possibly can!! – the PNC-led vendetta is not just a political one. Looks like it’s personal – especially now that Moses Nagamootoo’s now – for all intents and purposes – a card-carrying member of the PNC’s inner circle.
Nagamootoo’s got his big, fat pension in place – so he doesn’t have to chase ambulances (or displaced sugar workers) for a living – his one ambition in life is to stick it to Bharrat Jagdeo. The reason, of course, is he fervently believes he was denied the presidency as the PPP candidate because of Jagdeo. You would remember, dear reader, he used to go around collaring folks like the Ancient Mariner of yore, to tell them his tale of how Jagan – on a Rupununi campaign stage – had promised to pass the PPP baton to him.
No one else heard Jagan – even though the stage was crowded with political types. But those who knew Nagamootoo thought he’d “taken one too many” – as he was prone to do!! But sadly, he nursed that feeling of entitlement and denial until it not only consumed him – but defined him. Nowadays, there isn’t one of his public utterances that doesn’t have Jagdeo as the cynosure of his attention! And it ain’t pretty… especially in Parliament when he insists on Speaking after Jagdeo. It’s a shad, shad situation!! But Nagamootoo ain’t gonna let up!
For the PNC, at least they’re getting personal because of a political reason. When Jagdeo became President, like many others (like Nagamootoo in the PPP!!) the PNC thought they’d be able to push him around. But they should’ve known better. He was championed by Janet Jagan – who the PNC also hated personally because she was such a no-holds-barred political infighter. It’s very significant that she bypassed Nagamootoo – who worked decades with her at the Mirror – for Jagdeo. Everything Nagamootoo’s done since, has justified her judgement!!
Jagdeo stymied the PNC’s “slow-fyaah; mo’ fyaah” gambit; defeated their Buxton “Freedom Fighter” insurrection and nailed the pretentions of “multi-racial” support when they were forced to woo Nagamootoo and Ramjattan for “Indian” votes. Now that the latter’s been stripped and the AFC’s certified “dead meat”, their worst nightmare is facing Jagdeo directly as the PPP’s Presidential Candidate in 2010.
But hey!! The PPP supporters want him…and unless the CCJ follows Basil Williams’ denial about our Constitution’s “basic structure” – their worst nightmare’s about to come true!!

…for different flights
If the PNC keeps on with their corrupt practices the way they’re going, Nandlall’s gonna be kept so busy filing private criminal charges against their Ministers he wouldn’t need to grease his PR campaign!! Who’s next?? Mayor Chase Green and her faithful sidekick the Town Clown?? Ooops!! The Town Clerk!! That Parking Meter contract’s as crooked as barbed wire – to coin a phrase!! – and she’s certifiably PNC and all that!!
Then there’s the CJIA expansion programme started by the PPP, so Nandlall should have the facts. It started out as having EIGHT walkways and now’s down to THREE – while the contract’s been increased from US$135 million to US$150 million!! Seems like Patterson pushed in his thumb and pulled out another plum – for himself!! And the walkways are only the tip of a monster iceberg. Your Eyewitness isn’t even holding his breath as to when the airport will be complete!!
The biggest enchilada, of course, is nailing Trotman for allowing Guyana to be cheated. Nandlall with have to take that matter to the International Criminal Court!!

…for amnesty
The GRA head just declared there will be no amnesty for Guyana Stores on their $3.8 billion tax bill. Shouldn’t they take their case to Amnesty International??