DIG supports upcoming GSSF’s Steel Challenge

The Guyana Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF) will be hosting an upcoming Steel Challenge Match sponsored by Dental Imports Guyana Inc. (DIG); following a recent presentation ceremony.
The GSSF, an affiliate of the Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA), continues to promote simple, action-packed shooting competitions to local pistol shooters by organising such matches on a regular basis.
Steel Challenge is considered to be the fastest practical shooting competition in the world and Chairman of the SCSA Committee, Dr. Pravesh Harry reported that three exciting stages are being planned where competitors will be shooting at 5

Dr. Pravesh Harry, Director of DIG Inc. presents GSSF Treasurer Ray Beharry with the sponsorship check in the presence of GSSF Director David Dharry on far right while DIG Inc’s Company Secretary, Dr. Jodah looks on

steel targets which are arranged in preconfigured positions.
At the small hand-over ceremony, Company Secretary, Dr. Kevin Jodah commented that DIG is pleased to sponsor the GSSF’s Steel Challenge match and indicated the company is committed to the GSSF and safe sport shooting activities.
Scoring will be done using a timer which records the time taken for a shooter to complete engaging all 5 targets. The shooter’s time is his/her score, with time added for targets not hit. Scores are entered into specialised software, and the shooter with the lowest overall time wins the match. Participants will fall under two divisions, Limited, and Production with prizes being awarded to the top three shooters in each division courtesy.
Meanwhile, DIG Inc. which was recently established by Dr. Harry and Dr. Jodah is a local, efficient, and reliable dental supplies company. The main focus of the company at this point is to supply dentists in and around Guyana with a wide range of dental materials at competitive prices.