
The PNC has based its entire election strategy on Granger’s claimed “honesty and decency”. Burying their discredited name under the ‘APNU’ brand clearly hasn’t changed the opinion of ordinary folks about the dishonesty and indecencies they were subjected to during their 28 years of rule and 23 years in the Opposition. Poor canines, desperate to take a leak, are forced to now do so on lampposts festooned with Granger’s simpering face tagged as “decent and honest”!! It’s indecent to inflict that vulgarity on man’s best friend!!
The PNC backroom boys think that the Guyanese people have been taken in by Granger’s so obvious “virtue signalling” moves like having batteries of his official photographers religiously record him kneeling in church! But our people have been exposed to these politricks for too long to be suckered in by these tricks. However, they aren’t the only ones who have wised up to the real nature of Granger and his PNC: the international community are old hands with leaders daubing lipstick on their porcine chops.
Just look at what occurred at the 35th Session of the United Nations’ Universal Periodic Review in Geneva, Switzerland. This is where scores of countries review the record of Member States and it was Guyana’s turn to be subjected to internationally accepted norms of behaviour by their governments. And this is what the US Ambassador had to say to this PNC Government headed by David Granger: “The United States is concerned by recent actions by Guyana that may undermine democratic principles, including apparent misapplication of the Guyanese Constitution and certain court rulings.”
And this is what “decency” in leaders of democratic countries is all about – not even just kneeling in churches while plotting to doom thousands to hungry lives that are “nasty, brutish and short” – how they respect the covenant with their people as encompassed in their constitution. Granger, of course, had dishonestly reneged on his initial acceptance of Art 106’s NCM on Dec 21, 2018 to resign and call elections within three months!!
He had then gone on to defy the ruling of the CCJ when that Court said it should hold elections three months after June 18, 2019!! At the time the Ambassadors of the US, UK, and EU had declared: “…we deeply regret that, by surpassing September 18, the Government is currently in breach of the Constitution following its failure to adhere to the decisions of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) on 18 June and its subsequent orders.”
The US Ambassador at Geneva now insisted that the PNC Government ensure “free, fair, transparent and credible” elections on March 2!!
Let us see if Granger will be honest and do the decent thing!!

…Hamilton Green
Knowing that Hamilton Green has never heard any booming voice from the skies presaging any Damascene conversion, your Eyewitness has always been leery of the homilies he’s fond of delivering at the drop of a hat. On India “Martyr’s Day” which they commemorate on Jan 30 – the day Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated – he took the time to remind us of “the lesson”:
“This letter, I hope will serve as a lesson and guide to all of our young people and even the older folks… The usefulness is significant because lessons to be drawn from Gandhi’s life and assassination are profound and relevant for us in Guyana today.” Specifically, he advised, “avoid conditions where there are short fuses.”
But couldn’t Green have offered a lesson from the assassination of our own Walter Rodney – or Fr Darke – by the PNC, of which he was then a top leader??
In this climate of heightened tensions couldn’t he have reminded the present Chairman of the PNC, Volda Lawrence, to “avoid conditions where there are short fuses”?
No “nightshift”, for instance?

…“last licks”
Your Eyewitness wondered at the time whether the contract awarded for the $827 million school at Yarrowkabra was “last licks” for the “boys”.
Turns out it’s actually illegal!! Can’t sign a contract budgeted for 2019, in 2020!!