Division of AFC members in Region 6

Dear Editor,
It seems that some AFC members, infamously known as the ‘Three Musketeers’, are not satisfied with launching personal attacks on Mr Gobin Harbhajan within the confines of the chat group ‘Moving Guyana Forward’, but have now moved to the public domain for more political mileage and damage to his unblemished reputation.
The attack on Mr Harbhajan, in a letter titled, ‘PM Region 6 Office being used to fill out visa forms’, is without substance, and is a total fiction, since the PM’s Office is only used to attend to issues affecting the residents of Region 6.
It is widely known that the PM’s Representative is not linked to any form of corruption or bribe-taking, unlike some of his AFC colleagues, who go about masquerading as the panacea for all social and economic ills, whether it’s street lights, street-building and repairs, GWI issues, GPL issues, gun licences, export permits, granting of contracts, etc. Of course there is a fee attached, whether it is money or in kind.
A few days ago, RDC Councillor Mr H. Yusuf exposed the activities of the ‘Musketeers’ in the press, so it can only be assumed that Mr Yusuf extracted his information from ‘Moving Guyana Forward’ and what transpired there. This irked the ‘Musketeers’ to such an extent that they decided to launch this personal attack.

On many occasions, Mr Harbhajan would have been the reason why certain crimes are being exposed, be it murder or rape or theft. He brought to light many other issues, such as the illegal parking on the road shoulders. This man was instrumental in the feeding, caring and eventual freeing of a cow calf which was illegally impounded for months at the #51 Police Station. So, be it humans or animals, this man freely gives his service. There are no bribes involved.
Furthermore, Mr Harbhajan has created and maintained vital links to several ministers and their ministries and several Government departments, to resolve many issues affecting businessmen, the farmers and the ordinary man. He treats everyone equally. Only recently, he was instrumental in creating the linkage for the ICT Hub in Black Bush Polder, and arranged for Minister Cathy Hughes to do the opening. This man is the face of the AFC in Region 6.
Now, it seems that instead of being honoured by his comrades, unadulterated hate and jealousy have taken total control of their senses. I would like to advise Mr Harbhajan thus: Don’t worry about people who are not happy for you, they probably are not happy with themselves. Maybe it is time to change your association.

Yours sincerely,
Lakhram Singh