Dear Editor,
The national clean-up exercise spearheaded by President Dr Mohammed Irfaan Ali on Saturday saw participation from citizens across the length and breadth of Guyana. This took place despite the continued obstructionist, anti-national posture of the PNC-led APNU/AFC Opposition and their political enablers, who refuse to get involved on the behalf of their constituents while instructing their lackeys to not cooperate and to undo national efforts as soon as they are complete.
Across the country where Town Councils and Neighbourhood Democratic Councils are controlled by the PNC, national efforts to restore and maintain conducive environments for the benefit of citizens’ health and well-being, in most cases, their own constituents, are being deliberately sabotaged by inaction and counterproductive shenanigans.
In the capital city, where the momentum of national transformation is being generated by the Government, where foreign investors and foreign state actors are being attracted daily to opportunities that will help grow Guyana’s economy and create meaningful employment for its citizens like never before, the Mayor and City Council continues to demonstrate its ineptitude.
Taxpayers’ monies are being squandered on frivolous comforts for the party elites who control the Council, without any tangible services being provided to the citizens whatsoever. Basic roads and drains’ maintenance and cleanliness of the administrative and commercial heart of our country have been completely abandoned and left to the shame of daily embarrassment.
Every overture for sustainable partnership interventions from the Government since 2020 has been rebuffed by the Georgetown Mayor and his Councillors, forcing the Central Government to act in the interest of citizens and in the national interest.
The petty, infantile, and obstructionist politics of the PNC/APNU will continue to backfire as an affront and insult to the intelligence, decency, and pride of citizens.
Guyanese should not be enticed by those anti-people, anti-national actions.
Every opportunity to benefit from national and other resources and see your families and communities transform and prosper regardless of geographic location, political affiliation or ethnicity should be taken.
Do not listen to the obstructionists.
Ryan Newton