Home Letters Do not promote alcohol at upcoming IAC events
Dear Editor,
The Indian Action Committee (IAC) wishes to advise against the promotion and sale of alcohol during upcoming events to commemorate the 180th anniversary of the arrival of the first batch of East Indian indentured immigrants from India to Guyana. While the official anniversary will be on the 5th of May, 2018, countrywide events are scheduled before and after.
Since its establishment in 2003, the IAC has, from its first event to commemorate Indian Arrival in Guyana, advocated that no alcohol be allowed at these functions and implemented measures to prevent promotion and consumption. It was heartened that other organisations promoting similar activities subsequently joined the advocacy, which has now become a fixture in related advertisements.
The IAC strongly believes that the Indian Arrival commemoration events, which promote family values, must be free from the impact of alcohol consumption and promotion. Corporate entities which, over the years, have partnered with the IAC to promote these events and which are known for the production of alcohol must be commended for promoting non-alcoholic beverages and similar products.
The IAC feels compelled to reiterate that alcohol should not be promoted and consumed at the upcoming events since some promotions which have already begun openly advertised its sale.
The IAC, therefore, urges those involved to be mindful of the negative impact these promotions would have not only on the events and the family values intended to be fostered, but the additional challenges it poses socially.
The IAC takes this opportunity to invite the general public to celebrate with us our 15th Grand Annual Cultural Mela (free admission) slated for Saturday, April 28, 2018, at the Anna Regina Community Ground, Essequibo, and Saturday, May 5, 2018, at the Albion Sports Complex, Berbice.
Indian Action
Committee Guyana