Do the right thing for our children’s sake

Dear Editor,
It has been well over 50 days since Guyana went to elections and, to date, there is still no Government in place. Guyana and the rest of the world know there is a clear winner, but this was not the winner GECOM (headed by a former Judge) wanted or is colluding with a political party to fraudulently declare a different result from what the people voted for.
Many hinterland and forest-based communities have waited patiently for the election to be concluded. It has hurt the Government enormously that the villages in Regions One and Nine did not vote as they would have liked, having spent millions of taxpayers’ monies attempting to sway our Amerindian brothers and sisters.
But we like all Guyanese have a choice, ‘one man, one vote’. It is this one man one vote constitutional right we the people in the hinterland and forest-based communities are asking the once esteemed former Judge Chairman to honour. And not the naked attempt crookery we have witnessed since March 4.
With no Government in place and the uncoordinated and poorly managed COVID-19 response, the people in the hinterland are facing great suffering. Forest and mining activities and indeed nearly all commercial activities in communities have hit the rock bottom.
There is no money, little employment and Government services have basically shut down. Starvation is creeping in, our children go to bed hungry, mothers are resorting to cooking soft rice and grass. We fear there will be a hunger crisis just like in parts of Africa.
We call on GECOM to please listen to the cries of our children. Blood is on your hands. Madam Chair, how can you watch our Amerindian children and hinterland children and turn your back on them and condone fraudulent elections. Everybody knows what is going on. The children go to bed each additional day hungry because of the delayed elections. Just do the right thing for our children’s sake.

Terence Williams