Dodging …Dutch Disease

These Dutch people ain’t easy: for two hundred years – during which they were the worst slave owners on planet Earth – they’ve refused to leave us in peace, after the British kicked them out. Yes…it’s all about those “Dutchmen” scaring the bejesus out of the unwary who happen to cross the grounds where they might’ve horsewhipped our forebears. And don’t think your Eyewitness is making this up; just ask any of your relatives from those villages and wards with Dutch names, like Zeelugt or Ruimveldt!!
And just when we’d hoped to have gotten rid of them after everyone had started concreting their yards – no, apparitions cannot manifest themselves through solid concrete!! – up comes these warnings in the press, which just won’t go away: that we’ll be catching the “Dreaded Dutch Disease”!!
Why?? Cause we’ve struck oil and become the fastest-growing economy in the world!! Looks like there are dark linings behind THAT silver cloud!! And here your Eyewitness was worried that, with so much money flowing in, we’d be in danger of getting as fat and blubbery as Sumo Wrestlers – with all the foreign fatty foods we can now afford!!
In the past, your Eyewitness used to ignore these wailing Jeremiahs who were preaching doom and gloom, but after being hit by Covid, Monkeypox, and the 2020 PNC-rigging attempt in the last four years, he ain’t taking no chances!! But how to avoid kooks like those who were rampant during the Covid scare, who insisted that vaccinations would leave the “Mark of the Beast”, which would prevent us from ascending into Heaven on the Day of Rapture!! Is this “Dreaded Dutch Disease” (DDD) just another scam??
So, your eagle-eyed Eyewitness decided to look into this next big scare!! Seems that when all this money starts rolling in – especially when it’s foreign money, making us sing that old hit “Money in the land with the Yankee dollar bill!!” – all kinda weird things gonna start happening, and not just us telling vendors on the pavements, “Keep the change”!!
Evidently aflush with oil money, we’ll ignore our old standby industries like rice, timber, bauxite and sugar, which kept us going all these years!! But hey!! Isn’t that what’s SUPPOSED to happen??
Look at America and Britain, whom we keep holding up as our models even as they are fast sliding downwards!! They used to make their living from growing wheat and rearing cattle. Well, they still do so to some extent, but is that what’s raking in the big bucks?? No siree Bob!! THEY MAKE THEIR MONEY FROM MONEY – doing trading in something called “derivatives”!! It’s just a fancy word for gambling in all sorts of financial stuff.
So, let’s train those kids who’re getting 29+ CSECs to GAMBLE, and voila!! – no Dutch Disease!! That wasn’t so hard, was it??
Your Eyewitness has always said that folks don’t get their dander up over ideas, hasn’t he?? So, is the demand by the Opposition: that BIOMETRICS be implemented before the 2025 elections, gonna generate heat in our volatile politics? You can bet your bottom dolla that’s what’s gonna happen!! They are claiming that folks who shouldn’t have voted did vote at the last elections, and only “biometrics” can stop this dastardly practice that “undermines” democracy. As if reading SOPs from stained bedsheets buttresses democracy!!
Anyhow, they want the fingerprints of all voters to be entered on the Register/voters list, so when folks show up to vote, they gotta match the records with scans!! Now, don’t we already have biometrics with the pics on the IDs scanned by party polling agents?? So why all the drang and sturm?? It’s a repetition of their demand that IDs be used for voting in the 1997 elections!! After losing, the PNC went to the courts screaming “unconstitutional burden!!!”
Who they think they foolin’?

…identification versus verification
Identification is answering, “Who are you?”. Your info is compared against the info of others. Verification is answering, “Are you really who you say you are?” And this is matching your presented info against prerecorded info about you.