Dear Editor,
As I sit here, I am saddened by the news of another needles life lost because of domestic violence. Almost every news site I visit features the story of the most recent victim. Countless persons continue to express their utter disgust or anger that this problem continues to plague our society.
Yesterday’s incident, which occurred at Limlair Village, Corentyne Coast, East Berbice, was the last straw for me. I now feel compelled not just to speak of the issue, but also offer and highlight simple and practical solutions to this epidemic. I call it an epidemic because it is a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in our society, and that is the definition of an epidemic. I believe that what we see being manifested by the actions of some men almost daily is the end result of men dreadfully lacking coping skills and not truly understanding their roles.
If you were to examine all the domestic violence cases that resulted in the demise of women, you would realise that domestic violence is not common only to a particular ethnicity or demographic. Instead, what is common is that, in every case, the man did not understand his role, and failed to cope with the situation.
Men should have been equipped with this vital information, like so many other teachings they received, from a very young age. While many might argue that this should have been taught in the home, the almost daily heinous and callous acts being committed by men against women tell that this is not happening.
The genesis of this epidemic, like I said, is lack of coping skills and men not knowing their roles. My question therefore is: Why not address this from a tender age? There is a famous colloquial expression which says “you need to bend the tree while it is still young”. Coping skills and other practical life skills should be incorporated with the other subjects being taught in the school system.
While I am not trying in any way to undermine its importance, research would have shown that, after leaving high school, over 85% of people do not utilise in their everyday living most of the theories they would have learnt in school. However, 100% of persons leaving high school would need life skills which, in most cases, they weren’t taught or didn’t learn from home. If teachers can now spend ten to fifteen minutes daily with their students teaching them these skills, I believe this would greatly aid the students as they get older. Ultimately, in time, this would inevitably lend to a reduction in domestic violence and casualties resulting from this epidemic in our society.
Further, to aid the older men, I strongly suggest that Government, more specifically The Ministry of Social Protection, be more proactive in its approach to tackling the problem. Outreaches and establishment of more counselling centres manned by qualified volunteers, social workers or ministers of religion would provide alternatives.
The above are my thoughts. It is my desire that, even if not implemented, at least my recommendation can start, in regard to this epidemic, a national conversation that leads to steps being taken or put in place to end this dreadful situation.
Domestic violence most stop!!!
Sincerely yours,
Shorlan Christian