Don’t all lives matter?

Dear Editor,
The senseless, nonsensical and preposterous quagmire that is embroiling in the ancient county of Berbice that popularised Guyana for its hospitality, is entangling the rest of the shocked and dazed Guyanese and obfuscating the work of the new Government that has inherited all of the obscured quandaries from a Machiavellian APNU/AFC, a party that declared war on its country and is focused on setting fire among the people so that their lives become a living hell.
The police’s predicament is further compounded and becomes acutely problematic not only with the complicated approach adopted by the PNC party but also, the revengeful attitude of the supporters of that party who are determined to criminalised each passing opportunity and the challenging events as a result from the spin-off effects.
But, regardless of the differences or indifferences in opinions, the limitations of manpower and equipment, the awkwardness of the controversial situation and the deadly consequences, the GPF and the GDF must be commended for handling most of the explosive issues that bombarded in an uncontrolled environment, ignited by ethnic intonations from racial politicians who visited with their devilish agendas.
Let’s look at some of the daring and transparent statements that were boastfully made by the vengeful Opposition party members and are so glaringly obvious with their destructive meanings and devious motives. Volda Lawrence, denied a seat in Parliament by her party, is calling on “her people” only, “her kind” whom she had promised jobs, only; do the rest of Guyana matters and do they see her biasness?
Or, in other words, no other race belongs to her party, except “her people”? Her party chose not to let her be a representative in the National Assembly but yet she wants to enforce a leadership by being in confrontation with that same party. Past caretaker President, Mr David Granger threatened the nation when he went to visit Berbice and applauded the people for breaking the law, saying, “We are not going to put up with this nonsense.”
Here is the true personality of a “sanctimonious gangster” who was asked to “stand up and take your licks like a man” by his Caricom counterpart and was before, a representative of the law. Mr Granger further encouraged the people to take the law into their own hands when he advised them to “take any reasonable measure to defend ourselves.” No wonder the gross perpetual behaviour from the misguided followers who continue to unleash a reign of terror on the innocent victims. The US Secretary of State had to warn him to “step aside” and allow democracy to prevail.
Mr Joseph Harmon, Leader of the Opposition party, he was insanely all over the globe except in a right, legal frame of mind when he alluded, “We stand in solidarity with the people who are peacefully protesting this injustice. What we do not agree with is people injuring people and so on. We do not agree with that. We do not agree that there should be any Black and Indian fighting and all of that.
We believe that this, here, is a fight for justice.” Here is a classic case of a forked tongue, in one breath blowing cold and another breath blowing hot! In his deliberations, he is vehemently advocating the violent continuation and destructive derailments, while, at the same time placating the denunciation of the physical abuses. What a hypocritical masochist! All three Opposition members are sending convoluted messages that can only characterize racial and violent undertones. Wake up ERC and GHRA.
On the flip side of the coin, Attorney-at-Law Horosho Edmondson, he was forced to flee in order to save his life and said, “They started shouting ‘kill him, kill him, he is PPP.” This remark is a clear indication as to the objective of the protesters. They are far from being peaceful and their motive is definitely politically biased. Is this how the APNU/AFC wants to demand “justice?” How far-fetched did the advice and visits by the Opposition leaders extend? In contrast to the past President and the Opposition leader, the honourable President, Dr Irfaan Ali had this to say, “We cannot and would not tolerate this type of brutality in our communities and country.
I can understand the pain of the families and community and my prayers and thoughts are with you. I ask you to act lawful and responsible in demonstrating your anger and hurt. As President, I can understand the emotions but I ask that the police be given an opportunity to do their job”. Here is a President who is very emphatic in his empathy, does not condone any form of criminal behaviour, believes in peaceful protest and at the same time wants the police to be allowed to do their work. Isn’t this justice and didn’t the police immediately make various arrests and confirmed that there is no political motive behind the slain Henry cousins?
Are the confirmed racial and political consequential killings by the APNU/AFC followers justified? Are the lootings, the stealing, the burning and the injuries justified? Has there been any retaliation from the Indian community? Who has exhibited more tolerance in this trying and tested time? Don’t all lives matter? Is this what Harmon meant by looking “eyeball to eyeball” meaning “an eye for an eye?” Who now should aggrandise the pleading call for justice? All of Guyana are hurting, not a single one race!

Jai Lall