Home Letters Dr David Hinds’s ship sank a long time ago
Dear Editor,
While working at The Evening News years ago, I was introduced to Dr David Hinds by host of the weekly program “Plain Talk”, Christopher Ram.
Mr. Ram boasted of Hinds’s brilliance, accomplishments, and possible contributions to Guyana if given an opportunity; but, over the years, listening to Dr Hinds spew his hatred of the PPPC and those who support the PPPC, I have had cause to question his sanity and his bitterness against the PPPC, and have pointed out that his utterances not only question his motives, but also indicate the harm he’s creating, especially against East Indians.
It must be noted that, more than once, Dr. Hinds made racist statements against East Indians in such a manner that I’ve come to conclude that he’s not only bitter against the PPPC, but he has something against East Indians. Perhaps he could show where I might be wrong.
Editor, Dr. Hinds’s recent criticism and name calling of Africans who are showing support for the PPPC are not only disrespectful to the African community, but are also disrespectful to Guyana as a whole.
Joseph Hamilton, a former member of the PNC, is presently a member of the PPPC, and is a serving minister who seems to be doing an amazing job.
Carl Greenidge, member of the PNCR, served in different portfolios as minister, and is presently representing Guyana in the Border Controversy case because he was asked to do so by the PPPC.
Dr. Richard van West-Charles, son-in-law of Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, one of the founding fathers of the PNC, is a former Minister of Health, and is now Guyana’s Ambassador to Venezuela, appointed by the PPPC.
There are many other African names that could be mentioned, but I’ll pause here to point out that these gentlemen are performing duties for the betterment of Guyana. Should they heed Dr Hinds’s rhetoric and refuse to be part of the governance of Guyana because desperation has caused him to attack his fellow African brothers and sisters who are working with the PPPC for the best interest of Guyana?
It’s my opinion that Dr Hinds’s ship has sunk a long time ago, and the straws he’s clutching to (creating a racial war in Guyana) are escaping his grasp, so he’s now trying to antagonise the Africans to turn against each another. His consistent action makes me wonder if his only vision is to see bloodshed in Guyana.
Sahadeo Bates