Dr Rodney was not fighting to replace PNC with an African government

Dear Editor,
“But it would also be politically suicidal because it is precisely such an outcome the PPP seeks—I don’t believe sending such a partisan list was accidental. The President must not fall into that trap; he must do everything in his power to resist the temptation to act unilaterally. Unilateralism should be an absolute last (sic) resort,” writes Dr David Hinds on January 11, 2017, in his support for President David Granger’s rejection of the six nominees for GECOM chairman. “I agree with the President’s rejection of the list sent to him by Opposition Leader, Mr Jagdeo. Mr Jagdeo must have known that his list was mostly partisan (sic) and that it flies in the face of the spirit of the Carter formula.” So writes the Afrocentric David, advising his own President David against some Jagdeoliath as if the non-David is someone eyed towering Philistine only fit to be slain-as usual.
When Dr Hinds writes about things “partisan” he is an expert being an unapologetic Afrocentric advocate. When he speaks on what may be supposedly “non-partisan” one knows exactly where he is coming from. He wants a pawn as GECOM chairman who will be beholden to the PNC to rig the 2020 elections. Already some 3000 birth certificates are reportedly being “manufactured” to advance their ages to make them eligible to vote in the 2020 elections.
Adamant in advocating that they will not criticise the APNU/AFC coalition because that would be undermining an African Government to see it replaced by an Indian Government, the ACDA and the likes of Dr Hinds forget a few things. ACDA as an unapologetic Afrocentric organisation operates as if it is forever imprisoned in chains of the past. Has it learned its lesson well since 1992? What have we learnt from history?
Dr Rodney was not fighting to replace the PNC with an African Government. He wanted to merge the WPA with the PPP.
The AFC secured and delivered the 11 per cent crossover Indian votes in the 2015 elections which brought the Coalition to power. Only two AFC ministers are Indians, while four are African.
GECOM was headed by an Indian, Dr Steve Surujbally, a veterinarian, who presided over the questionable 2015 elections. Unexplained inclusion of fake statement of polls (SOPs), missing and unaccounted ballot boxes, and failure to do recounts after promising to do so occurred in that election under his watch. It took one entire week to declare the results in 2015.
Where is it that Dr Jagdeo was partisan in all these shenanigans? Why must the Indian be always expected to deliver to satisfy partisan Afrocentric demands even as a “last resort” by Dr Hinds’ advocacy – one “David” to another “David” – as in Mr Granger?
Dr Hinds’ mode of operation is so transparent, he forgets we are wiser in the 21st century. Of course he is in favour of the Opposition Leader meeting the President. Why not? Nothing may come of it if it does take place. He advocates that President Granger grant the request. But Dr Hinds does so for crafty reasons. “Mr Jagdeo has taken a good first step in seeking to meet with the President, something he should be doing (sic) more often. (Shouldn’t Mr Granger be seeking Dr Jagdeo’s counsel more often since he is more experienced?) I see such a meeting achieving two things—a commitment (sic) from the President that he would not act unilaterally and a commitment from Mr Jagdeo that he would send the President a non-partisan list.” Here’s Dr Hinds’ Brer Anancy cunning. He wants Mr Granger to make an empty promise in return for the Opposition Leader to promise -mind you – a concrete promise to send what he calls a “non-partisan list”. What was partisan about the first list anyway?
With the ACDA’s Mr Eric Phillips fulminating from the inception that the list be rejected because the ACDA was not initially consulted by the Opposition Leader, aren’t they trying to have their cake and eat it too? ACDA is not independent from the coalition Government in any way. Yet they want it both ways. The Opposition Leader has absolutely no obligation to consult with the ACDA since it is part of the Government. The ACDA may be a Trojan horse by all intents and purposes. Why does it want to have its cake and eat it still?
Currently, the PNC-led Coalition has messed up the economy by retrenching hundreds of Amerindians and Indian sugar workers. Now Guyana is headed into a judicial quagmire with the Presidential term-limit case. Will non-partisanship reign supreme to save Guyana from the APNU/AFC coalition mess?

Sultan Mohamed