Drawing the line…

…on law and order
Your Eyewitness is flummoxed by the latest episode in the “Henry Boys’ Murder Exploitation” saga. We all know, of course, that it all started with the unspeakably brutal slaying of the two Henry cousins at the backlands of West Berbice. There was also a third brutal killing on another youth – one Haresh Singh – in those same backlands; but you’d be forgiven if you’ve forgotten him, since it clearly slipped the minds of those crying out for “justice for the Henrys”.
And that’s the essence of the shameful denouement to these murders, isn’t it? It’s pellucid that to those rising up in righteous indignation, some lives matter more than other lives in God’s green earth! And it’s also pellucid whose line matters more to these worthies! Notably, Granger, Opposition Leader Harmon, and their camp followers, who pronounced – without a shred of evidence – that the killings of the Henry cousins were “politically motivated”, and most specifically were linked with the PPP! Of course – as they fully well knew it would – this led to riots in which Indian-Guyanese – who were all deemed to be supporters of the PPP – were given condign beatings.
The GHRA was clearly in hibernation during the mass human rights’ violations of the assaulted citizens – by persons caught on cameras but never prosecuted by the Police – but suddenly sprang (such as its 80-year-old, one-man organisation could “spring”) into action to denounce Police “inaction” in solving the murders. The Police weren’t lax on prosecuting the beatings! The GHRA geezer demanded the Government bring in an Argentine anthropological forensic team specializing in “cold case” DNA identifications.
Anyhow, one forensic scientist came, saw, and was reporting on whether he’s conquered (cracked) the case (he’d not) at the Brickdam Cathedral, attended by relatives of the three murdered youths. Returning to West Berbice, the Henrys’ car was stopped at a road block near the Sparendaam Police Station. The driver, one of the murdered Henrys’ brothers, couldn’t produce his driver’s licence, and – as is legally permitted in this offence – was taken to the Police station.
And this is where matters went farcical. From a video seen by your Eyewitness, the driver resisted going into the station, and physically pushed a Policeman. All hell broke loose, as the mother entered the fray and yanked off a Policeman’s reflective vest.
Now, this is the point your Eyewitness wants to make. He understands the Henry family are in mourning. He understands the Police can be brusque. But he understands also that when the Police make exceptions in applying the law, folks like the GHRA scream “Unprofessionalism”!
So, why’s the GHRA not denouncing “unprovoked Police brutality”? Should those in mourning be given a free pass?
What’s the line between law, order and crass opportunism?

…on equality before the law
Lest it be said that your Eyewitness is trying to score brownie points with the Police, in the interest of justice, fair play and equality of treatment before the law, he’ll dissect the recent (shameful) case of the Commander of Region 9 – busted as he was transporting 30 cases of Black Stone Whiskey back to Georgetown. Now, as a (high) officer of the law – especially one posted at a border crossing – the Commander would CERTAINLY know that liquor must have a custom stamp on each bottle. Which, in this case, (all thirty cases!) was missing.
Initially, he claimed he was transporting the spirits for folks who’d paid for them, but then backtracked (on the backtracked liquor!) and said he’ll pay the duties. Now your Eyewitness knows “too late” shall be the cry! Cause just a while back, when another Commander (of SWAT) was busted with 30 cases of Johnny Walker Black, he was immediately reassigned.
And then fired!

…on fake posts
Over the last year, as political temperatures rose precipitously, social media became a thermometer to gauge the phenomenon. Your Eyewitness learnt about “fake accounts”.
But the former Minister of Telecommunications will now explain how a POST in an AUTHENTIC account can be doctored!!