‘‘Dream Realised’’ initiative Over 1700 house lots distributed at Moleson Creek

Housing and Water Minister, Collin Croal distributing steel and cement vouchers

The Housing and Water Ministry continues to work to secure lands for residential purposes across the country, and on Tuesday, over 1700 house lots were distributed in Moleson Creek, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne).
During the Housing and Water Ministry’s ‘Dream Realised’ event in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) on Tuesday, Minister Collin Croal spoke of the challenges the Government faces in securing land for residential purposes, particularly in agricultural-heavy areas.
In the region, he explained, that there is a balance in setting aside land for residential development and agricultural projects.
Croal explained that, in order to satisfy the demand for house lots, new areas have to be opened up, and these are oftentimes in underdeveloped locations.
“Government has competing interest for land use and here in Region Six, we have to take into consideration here being an agricultural region the competing interest for your cash crops, for livestock as well as the fact that we have consolidated an expanding for sugar.”
Nevertheless, Croal emphasised that the Ministry has been investing heavily in getting the infrastructure ready in communities where lands are being allocated.
In Region Six, land is available for distribution in two areas; one being at Moleson Creek.
“To go to Molson Creek, it used to look like you are going to some other island, but Moleson Creek itself will further expand not only because of housing but also because of what the Government’s intention and programme is; and that is for the alignment for the bridge that will connect us to Suriname. Therefore, Moleson Creek will have a hub. When we are doing development, it is not done in isolation – there is a lot of planning that goes into place,” the Minister explained.
Last year, 1000 house lots were allocated at Moleson Creek, and on Tuesday, a further 1761 was distributed.
At the ‘Dream Realised’ event, 16 vouchers were given for cement and two for steel and cement.
The titles for two house lots were also handed over during the ceremony.
“The generation that is coming now, they want their own homes; they want to live separate and they may not be going back necessary working in the agriculture sector. That’s why we came up with the other area based on availability of land at Hogsty. Hogsty will cater for persons from Black Bush as well as close by where we will start up a new housing development.”
The contacts for the infrastructure for both Moleson Creek and Hogsty Housing Schemes were signed on Tuesday.