Driver jailed for allowing students to jump from moving bus
A minibus driver will be spending the next six months in jail after a video surfaced on social media showing students jumping from the passenger door of the minibus he was operating.
A photo of the students jumping from the moving bus
Jailed is Omkar Rambharose. He appeared in court on Wednesday and admitted to charges relating to dangerous driving, failure to ensure the safety of passengers and breach of insurance. Rambharose driver’s licence was also suspended. Reports are that the conductor of the minibus has since gone into hiding.
Only recently, a driver and his conductor were charged after they were caught on camera opening the doors of the minibus to dance while the bus was moving.
The video which surfaced on social media showed the conductor first opening the passenger door and dancing as he leaned out of the bus and then the driver opened the driver’s door to put his two feet out to dance while the bus was in motion.
The 28-year-old driver of Better Hope was slapped with the charge of failing to have control of a motor vehicle, dangerous driving, having a tinted vehicle, breach of the condition of road service licence and being an untidy driver.
Meanwhile, the 27-year-old conductor of Haslington, East Coast Demerara was charged with failure to ensure passenger safety, improper conduct and being an untidy conductor. He pleaded guilty to the three charges and was fined a total of $40,000.