Driver stabbed to death by woman at minibus park

Dead: Zehron Nieuenkirk

A Linden minibus driver was stabbed to death in the vicinity of the Linden minibus park, on Water and Hadfield Streets, Georgetown, by a female.
Dead is 37-year-old Zehron Nieuenkirk also known as “Orlando”, a father of five and of West Ruimveldt Housing Scheme, Georgetown.
An eyewitness told Police that he was sitting on the Parliament Building fence, chatting with the now-dead man when they were joined by the suspect, and during the conversation, Nieuenkirk pinched her on her left hand and she “knocked away” his hand and pulled out a pointed brown-handled knife from her waist.
The eyewitness related that upon seeing the weapon, Nieuenkirk told the woman that she cannot use it on him, and as the suspect started to walk away, Nieuenkirk hugged and lifted her from behind in a joking manner.
However, soon after the victim made a sound and was heard asking the woman “Is what you done to me girl?”.
At that time, the injured man pulled down his pants and showed the eyewitness a wound to his right-side groin area which was bleeding. After committing the act, the suspect fled the scene with the knife in her hand.
Meanwhile, when <<<Guyana Times>>> visited the dead man’s home on Friday, his cousin-in-law said, “I was at the hospital with my little cousin when I hear a horn blowing coming into the hospital. When I looked, I see it was his bus and I was wondering what he was doing there, but at the same time they called me into the hospital to bring the child clinic card. So, when I come out back, I see they fetching him in on a stretcher, and I and my aunty started screaming.”
“They ask us if we were his family and if we came because we heard what happened and we told them no because we were there with the child. I immediately called his child and wife and they asked us to sign a paper for immediate surgery. About 30 minutes later they come out and say he succumbed.”
She further stated that the suspect and the now dead man were friends and it is quite unfortunate how things ended.
“They were good friends, and it is just unfortunate how it ended. We also hope they find the suspect because he was a very good man. He was jovial. The whole morning his children crying and them children around ask who they are going to do things with now, and who will play Phagwah with them now,” the woman.
The man’s body is at GPHC mortuary awaiting post-mortem. Efforts are being made to locate the suspect as investigations continue. (G9)