Drivers called out for using major highways as parking and servicing spots

Public Works Minister Juan Edghill with Superintendent Brian Lowenfield and another officer

It has recently been observed that major highways across Guyana, more specifically the newly-built Heroes Highway, are being wrongfully used by drivers as spaces for parking and conducting operations.
Public Works Minister Juan Edghill made this disclosure to media operatives on Thursday during a handing over ceremony at the Public Works Ministry.
According to the minister, various activities are taking place on Heroes Highway, and they pose a risk to drivers and the surrounding vicinity.
“People are starting to use major highways as parking spaces and workshops. If you go down the Heroes Highway, people are changing tyres and servicing trucks on the highway. Along the highway, at times there are three, four trucks, and there is usually a man with a pickup with all his tools, and that’s where he’s operating fixing vehicles,” said the minister.
Meanwhile Edghill mentioned that he has been receiving footage on a consecutive basis from motorists who have expressed their opinions on this matter to him and are asking for a swift change.
“Right now, motorcyclists have sent me videos showing that the cycle lanes are so encumbered that they have to be in traffic with the cars and trucks. So, our collaboration should be able to bring a swift remedy, and we have been battling with that. But we also have to tackle errant users,” he told the Guyana Police Force.
A series of events like these were coincidental seen on June 22, 2023, the only difference being that drivers were abusing the shoulders of the road in traffic on the Highways.
The Public Works Ministry had said back then that it had noted with much concern the irresponsible and criminal manner in which the roads are being used daily.
“Recently, we have had an overwhelming number of reports of drivers using road shoulders, cycle paths, and pedestrian walkways as driving lanes, in addition to vehicles damaging guard rails and road signs. These unlawful practices must stop immediately,” the ministry said last year.
With respect to driving on the road shoulders, in addition to breaking the law, the ministry said, the practice is very dangerous, as it increases the risk of accidents since it eliminates the opportunity for other vehicles to access the shoulder in the event of an emergency. These practices also impede pedestrian movement, thus exposing that category of road users to contact with motor vehicles. Emergency vehicles could also be impeded. (G2)