Drs Anthony, Cummings clash over nurse shortage, salary increases
Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony
Day Four of the 2024 Budget debates got underway on Thursday with a fiery exchange between Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony and his shadow, Dr Karen Cummings. The two politicians clashed on a number of topics, ranging from shortage of nurses at primary healthcare facilities to the need to increase salaries for nursing staff.
During her presentation to the National Assembly, Dr Cummings commended Government for building new hospitals and healthcare facilities across the country, but noted that citizens will not have access to healthcare if the facilities are not adequately staffed.
Referencing the news publications on the shortage of nurses within the country, the Opposition Parliamentarian reminded that the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC) has a deficit of about 600 nurses. With this in mind, she questioned the reliability of the facility and others to come stream in 2024, noting that if local nurses continue to take up employment opportunities overseas, the country would not achieve its goal of providing “world-class healthcare to all citizens”.
Dr Cummings added that hiring foreign nurses to address the problem is not acceptable, and suggested that Government explore better wages for nursing staff.
Dr Karen Cummings
“We know that Guyana has been going through a personal crisis, with nurses and doctors leaving in troops. Failing to acknowledge the root cause of this crisis, which is the need for competitive wages, the Government has impudently announced six new hospital projects,” Dr Cummings stated.
Professional programmes
In response, Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony explained that Government is responding to this issue by training nurses through its Professional Nursing Hybrid and Nursing Assistance programmes.
He noted that shortage of healthcare providers is a global issue, and in this regard, the recruitment of Cuban nurses is necessary.
“Last year we started a programme where we have 1200 persons who are right now doing nursing. This year, we are taking in another 1200; next year, we’ll take in another 1200; the year after that, we will take in another 1200; and we will employ every single one of them…,” he said.
“Under the APNU+AFC from 2016 to 2020, the percentage change for a staff nurse was 35 percent. Under this Government from 2020 to 2023, the percentage change in their salary was 71%. For a staff nurse-midwife, your change for the five years (was) 15 percent, and this Government give them 91 percent more on their salary,” Dr Anthony explained.
Budget 2024
The Health Ministry will receive its largest budgetary provision of $129.8 billion this year. When approved, this sum would play a crucial role in upgrading and constructing healthcare facilities, expanding diagnostic care and treatment services, procure medicines and medical supplies, and expand tertiary education for health practitioners.
In fact, $10.3 billion of this sum will go towards the paediatric and maternal hospital at Ogle, and another $15.5 billion will go towards the construction of six regional hospitals: at Bath, De Kinderen, Diamond, Enmore, Lima and No. 75 Village.
Dr Anthony said substantial investments are being made in plans to tackle key health issues like breast and cervical cancer. Last year, the health sector got $90.2 billion in budgetary provisions.