Drunken teen stabs older brother to death

…tells neighbour he “bore up” his sibling]\

An 18-year-old youth from the North-West District (NWD) is now in Police custody after he stabbed his older brother to death at Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara.
Dead is 20-year-old Henry Sam Bowin, a fisherman from Smith Creek in the North West District, who was temporarily residing at 139A Mon Repos, ECD with the suspect.
Eyewitnesses revealed that at around 09:00h on Saturday, the suspect was spotted in a neighbour’s yard clutching a knife in his hand. He then calmly sat on the verandah and confessed that he had just “bore up” his brother.
Neighbours subsequently noticed blood stains on the suspect’s chest, and called the Police.

The house wherein the murder occurred on Saturday

Upon arriving at the scene, Police ranks found the suspect still seated in the neighbour’s yard with what appeared to be blood on his skin. Police then took the blood-stained knife from him, before apprehending and taking him into custody at the Beterverwagting Police Station. During the arrest, Police officers say, the suspect seemed to be under the influence of alcohol.
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) later pronounced Henry Sam Bowin dead. An examination of the body revealed a wound on his throat, as well as an injury on his right hand. The body has since been transported to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home to await a post-mortem examination.
Meanwhile, the owner of the property wherein the bothers were staying told Guyana Times he is a fisherman who encountered the two brothers about three months ago in Liliendaal, ECD. Knowing of their illiteracy and their vulnerable background, he generously offered them a job on his fishing vessel, and provided them with a place to stay at Lot 139A Mon Repos, ECD.
“People used to take advantage of them and work them out and not pay them, and they told me that they came to town to work to send back money home to their family, because they are very poor. So, I give them the empty house to stay, and I used to provide three square meals for them without any money,” the fisherman said.
“Yesterday (Friday) they cousin come, and they leave here to go with him. The cousin was staying by my brother on the line top right in Mon Repos,” the fisherman said.
While with their cousin, the man said, they drank all through the day into Saturday morning. He said that on Saturday morning, at around 10:00h, he received a call informing him of the death. Upon reaching the scene, he discovered Henry Sam Bowin’s lifeless body on the verandah with a wound to the throat.
“It had to be that they were drunk and had an argument and that happened, because they don’t fight. They will be in that house the whole day and you will not even know that they are in there. They use to drink and play they little music, but never fight or quarrel with each other. It had to be alcohol,” the man said. (G9)