The Qualifier Outdoor Archery on Saturday, September 17, 2016, on the second day of the Indigenous Heritage Games 2016 at the Everest Sports Ground, Eve Leary, Georgetown, saw 86 competitors participating from all parts of Guyana.
Archers shot in groups of five and because of the time frame and the high number of competitors; the Qualifiers comprised an end of six arrows. There was a time limit of four minutes for each athlete to shoot six arrows.

Safety is the paramount consideration of the Federation and that only athletes who were shooting are allowed on the shooting lime. The other competitors must stay at the waiting Line. The distance was 20 metres and the signals for shooting were explained to the eagerly awaiting crowd.
There are three different whistle commands: 2 whistle blasts – Archers walk to the shooting line. One whistle blast – Archers commence shooting, and 3 whistle blasts – Archers stop shooting and walk to targets to check scores and collect arrows.
The Honourable Minister Valerie Garrido-Lowe, Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, led the Archers off in their quest to qualify and secure a spot in the Finals scheduled to take place on Sunday, September 18, 2016. Trophies will be up for grabs for overall 1-3 in Men’s Senior, Women’s Senior and Juniors Categories.
At the end of an exciting afternoon, the Federation released the results of the qualifiers as follows; Men’s senior –Sean Duncan 38, Randy Arjune 28, Nicholas Hing 25. Women’s Senior- Samira Duncan 27, Narda Mohamed 18, Pamela Williams 8. Juniors Aliyah Gordon 11, Shamara Duncan 7, Garville Daniels 3.