Home News E Division records successful year in crime-fighting
The E Division (Linden-Kwakwani) Police Headquarters has recorded a number of successful activities and exercises in 2018 thus far.
Some of these successes were highlighted during the annual presentation of the Division’s Christmas Policing Plan which was recently presented by Divisional Commander Linden Lord.
It was reported that for the period January to November, several drug eradication exercises were conducted at Wisroc and West Watooka (Linden), Coomacka Mines, Five, Ten and 18 Miles (Ituni Road) and would have resulted in over 16 acres of approximately 7300 cannabis plants being destroyed.
For the same period, there were reportedly five murders committed in the Division, four of which were solved by ranks attached to the Division’s Criminal Investigation Department (CID), who according to Lord, “demonstrated proactive policing and thorough investigations”.
Additionally, there were 14 robberies recorded over this period, with eight cases being solved and five criminals prosecuted in connection with these crimes.
As it relates to outreaches, Police in the Division have also conducted several outreach programmes and lectures at schools and communities across the Division which Lord noted were done, “as a means of fostering a better relationship with the community”.
Included in these exercises, were an interactive session conducted with students of the Muritaro Primary School and another conducted by traffic ranks with youths interested in acquiring a provisional license.
Traffic ranks also conducted lectures with students of the Harmony and Linden Foundation Secondary schools in Linden.
The boundaries of the Division extend to the left Bank of the Essequibo River (West), Ebini River (East), Dora (North) and the left bank of the Kurupuri River (South).