Home News EAB gives greenlight for establishment of oil & gas waste treatment plant...
The Environmental Assessment Board (EAB) has given Global Oil and Environmental Services (GOES) the green light to move ahead with the establishment of its facility for the transfer, storage, treatment, and disposal of oil and gas waste at Coverden on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD).
In a notice, EAB said that public hearings were conducted on May 10 and May 18, 2021, on the proposed project but the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decision did not require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
“The EAB based its decision on the evidence and submissions of all parties, the grounds of the appeals/appellants, and the nature, location, and potential impacts of the project,” the notice reads. ![](https://guyanatimesgy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/logo-1024x372.jpg)
After a finding by the EPA that the project will not significantly impact human health and the environment and therefore does not require an EIA, the EAB had conducted public hearings into appeals against the development of the project made by residents in the community.
In determining that the project is exempt from an EIA, the EAB noted that it considered the fact that the project is not located in a historical or culturally important site.
The EAB found that the project location is privately owned and leased to the project proponent, and the closest resident is located approximately 280 metres northeast of the project. ![](https://guyanatimesgy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/logo2-1024x542.jpg)
The EAB said that transboundary effects from the project are low and will be mitigated via the transport of waste in ISO secured Fac Tanks.
A petition inked by Penelope Howell, which was accompanied by the names of over 130 residents from the community, had called for a halt to the construction and operation of the facility unless and until further consultations are done with the project’s developer, stakeholders, and residents.
During the initial public hearing, residents had objected to having such a project in their community which they described as densely populated.
Most of them said that from a simple Google search, they had come to the inescapable conclusion that GOES has a questionable track record.
For such a major project, which has the potential of being hazardous, the residents had expressed anger at EPA for failing to provide them, or the public with any background information about the company, and the environmental and health impacts of the project.
GOES – a joint venture between JaParts Guyana and Global Oil and Managements Group, recently applied to the EAB for approval for the construction and operation of the facility at Block X TE Huste, Block I, T Huste, Coverden, East Bank Demerara.