Almost every inch of the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre, in Kingston, Georgetown, was reduced to debris after a fire of unknown origin ripped through the two-storey structure in the wee hours of Friday.
The Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre
The Brahma Kumaris is a worldwide spiritual movement dedicated to personal transformation. It’s now destroyed centre in Guyana would’ve offered meditation courses and other activities.
Guyana Times understands that the flames erupted around 04:00h, when two sisters were in the building meditating. However, they both managed to escape in the nick of time after realising that the building was engulfed.
Some of the damaged items inside the building
Firefighters who responded to the scene, managed to save only part of the building’s lower flat, since the raging fire quickly demolished the upper flat.
When this newspaper visited the scene, smoke could still be seen emanating from among the thick debris.
A few chairs and tables which suffered just water damage were the only things salvageable from the bottom flat.
Nevertheless, the Guyana Fire Service has since launched an investigation to determine the cause of the blaze.