Easter, a time for reflection

– and kite flying

Easter is widely celebrated around the world by Christians. Guyana celebrates Easter with a long weekend from Friday, a national holiday, to Monday.
There are outdoor activities which bring persons from all walks of life together fulfilling selflessly the “purpose of the sacrifice on the cross”. This is according to Bishop Francis Alleyne of the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception on Brickdam.
Easter Sunday, which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is considered the most important and sacred Sunday of the entire year by Christians. It is the biblical principle to honour the day of Christ’s resurrection. According to the Bible, God established a command that the Passover should be observed annually to honour Christ’s death. Today, Christians celebrate the New Testament Passover.
The Easter holidays are celebrated over four non-working days – Good Friday to Easter Monday. In Guyana, kite flying is the major activity and attraction.  Schools are closed for two weeks for the Easter vacation, and children work with their parents and friends to prepare for the Guyanese tradition.
Along the coastland: in Georgetown, on the East Coast of Demerara, and other areas, as well as open spaces all over the country, the sky  teems with kites of all sizes, colours and designs. It is believed that kites soaring towards the heavens are a representation of Christ’s resurrection. Despite it being the tradition for kite flying to be done on the Easter weekend, enthusiasts from across the country are known to begin to raise their kites weeks before the actual day.
Skilful kite makers create a variety of board, box and bird kites to cash in on their seasonal market. These traditional hand-crafted kites, along with the manufactured plastic kites in the form of Batman, Spider Man, Ben10, SpongeBob Squarepants, and Barbie are just some of the varieties available that bring much joy and excitement to thousands of children and adults flying kites for Easter.
Also among the traditional hand-made kites are the star point, pointer tip, heart kites, patch work kites, singing engines and the “caddy ole punch”. They come in sizes which can range from one inch to 50 feet. Prizes are often given for the largest and smallest kites that can fly.
Easter is also a time for picnics at the beaches and creeks that proliferate in Guyana.  Egg decorating and hunting for colourful Easter eggs, mainly by the children, is an older British tradition that is once more becoming popular in Guyana.
The colourful collection of kites dancing and singing as they soared into the air on Sunday was a perfect way to set the tone for what is to follow in the grand showcase today – Easter Monday, as Guyanese raised their kites, some as a symbolic tribute to the resurrection of Christ while others were simply relishing a tradition which has long been an established part of Guyanese culture.