Easter Sunday is known as the day Jesus Christ was Resurrected after being crucified by the Romans on Calvary. The day is specifically celebrated by Christians across the world as a way of gratefulness to Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of humanity.
Easter Sunday, according to the New Testament, is the day that follows Good Friday, after Jesus was crucified by the Romans. Jewish religious leaders had condemned Jesus of blasphemy for claiming to be the Son of God. They were so hysterical by Jesus’s acts that they brought Him to the Romans, where Pontius Pilate, a Roman leader, sentenced Jesus to crucifixion.
According to the Holy Bible, God raised Jesus on the third day, after His death on Good Friday as a result of crucifixion, which was the ultimate form of criminal punishment at the time.
The corporeal Resurrection, according to Christian belief, is the return to life of a changed body, propelled by spirit, and it ensures that all Christians who have died will be raised at Christ’s Parousia, or Second Coming. The death and Resurrection of Jesus, as honoured by Easter, are the most fundamental events in Christian theology, and are the cornerstone of the Christian religion.
The day is believed to have occurred on the third day (after his burial) following His crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary. It is the culmination of the religious season of Lent, a 40-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance.
Easter marks the completion of the Passion of Christ, beginning from Lent and ending with Holy Week, which includes Holy Thursday (also Maundy Thursday, which celebrates Jesus’s Last Supper with his 12 disciples), Good Friday (when Jesus’s crucifixion is observed) and finally ending with Easter Sunday.
The day marks the return of Christ, who sacrificed Himself for the sins of humanity. The Resurrection proves Him as the true Son of God, who defeated evil and death before ascending to Heaven.
It is a day of feasting and celebration, during which people attend prayer services, and decorate and distribute kites. The raising of kites into the skies on Easter Sunday is done in Guyana to symbolize Jesus’s Ascension into Heaven.