Eccles residents concerned over condition of roads
Having to traverse the main road in Eccles Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, on a daily basis, many residents have raised concerns over the deplorable road conditions, as well as the surrounding environment that has evolved into a cloudy one.
This situation was amplified with the onset of the May/June rains. This has caused residents to become vocal in their pleas to the Ministry of Public Infrastructure to have this addressed immediately.
In addition, residents complained that persons from neighbouring villages would visit a number of locations in the area to burn their
A part of the road slanted at both sides with residents using the corner for a burning site
garbage, often leaving rubble and burning debris behind.
When Guyana Times visited the area on Saturday, potholes dotted almost the entire length of the road, posing quite an obstacle course for vehicles traversing the area.
These were complimented by tall bushes that had caught fire from a nearby location where garbage was being burnt.
Where there were no potholes, the road had slanted onto its sides, narrowing the pathway for vehicular traffic.
One resident said the road further deteriorates when large trucks frequently traverse the area to facilitate a number of private business operations.
She said that residents had attempted to fix the road using improvised methods but these had all failed since there were no professionals involved in the repairing.
Further, residents added, calls made to the Ministry of Public Infracture to have the roads fixed have fallen on deaf ears.
Another enraged resident told this publication that he had been trying to have something done by Central Government but his efforts were futile as failed promises were all he got from meetings.
Additionally, a number of businesses which had contributed to the deteriorated road, vowed to contribute toward its repair but they too have failed in their promise even as they continue operate.
“These businessmen had said they would help but nothing has been done yet. They are the ones who helping to destroy our road, the same road they have to use for their personal vehicles and still they don’t care about how this is damaging our community,” the man explained.
While residents continue to do as much as they can to make the roads better, they are appealing for the Ministry to do its part in upkeeping the infrastructural setting of Eccles.