ECD man gets 17 years for raping teenage girl

Convicted rapist Nelroy Barry

Having been convicted back in September for the rape of a 15-year-old girl, 36-year-old Nelroy Barry, also known as “Cock,” has been sentenced to 17 years’ jail by Justice Jo-Ann Barlow on Tuesday at the Demerara High Court.
His co-accused Calvin Reid, a mason, will be undergoing a new trial, because the jury was hung in relation to the charge against him. He will continue to have pre-trial freedom while he awaits a new trial.
Barry was represented at his trial by Attorney-at-Law Tamieka Clarke, while Reid was represented by Attorney-at-Law Teriq Mohammed. State Counsel Latifah Elliot was part of the prosecuting team.
The Police have said that, on January 7, 2020, Barry took the young girl to his place of abode and sexually assaulted her. On the day, Reid allegedly also sexually assaulted the victim at Barry’s residence, before Barry did so for a second time.
The victim was reportedly raped two days before her birthday. Both men were arrested and charged after Police received a report of the incident.
In addition, on November 15, 2021, Barry was charged with attempted murder after he allegedly attacked his former girlfriend from behind, chopping her to her head and left hand. He was not required to plead to this charge, which alleges that at some time in April 2021, at Ann’s Grove, ECD, he unlawfully wounded the woman with intent to commit murder.
After returning from the interior, he was arrested for the crime only on November 12, 2021. He is awaiting trial on this matter.