Elderly pedestrian killed by speeding motor car

Stephen Correia, an 85-year -old resident of Lot 1 Le Ressouvenir, East Coast Demerara, lost his life on Friday after he was struck down by a motor car while attempting to cross the public road in that community.
Police reports are that while Correia was attempting to cross the road, he ended up in the path of motor car PAG 7093, at the time being driven by a carpenter who resides at La Bonne Intention (LBI), ECD. The car allegedly was travelling at a fast rate, and Correia sustained injuries to his left hand, left ankle, and other parts of his body.
Picked up in semi-conscious condition, Correia was rushed by ambulance to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
The driver of the motor car has been arrested, and is assisting police with the investigations.