Elderly woman attempts suicide, pulled from trench by PPP MP
Eighty-two-year old Bibi Zahora, called “Betty”, of Cotton Tree Village, West Berbice, attempted to take her own life at around 14:50hrs on Sunday, and had to be pulled from a trench in Cotton Tree Village by People’s Progressive Party/Civic
Bibi Zahora
(PPP/C) Member of Parliament(MP) Harry Gill.
Gill reportedly heard a loud splash in the Latino Canal at Cotton Tree, and upon investigating saw the elderly woman struggling and screaming in the water. He quickly ran over to the canal and pulled her to safety.
The distraught woman was heard repeating over and over, “Me a throw myself there to dead and me nah a dead to…God nah a tek me life. You nah know my punishment and my pain, night and day…my children don’t visit me…”
Ranks of the Blairmont Police Station were called, and the woman was taken into custody as officers began investigating the incident.