Election rigging will not be tolerated

Dear Editor,
The blatant rigging of elections in Guyana must come to an end. The ‘riggers’ are allowed to commit these unpardonable sins with immunity. As for those that are presently before the courts for the 2020 fraud and rigging, it seems as though procrastination is the order of the day. However, we are living in different times, and the entire world witnessed the wicked and brazen attempt to steal the Government. Hence, it is imperative that all persons who are found guilty of this act feel the consequences. A strong, unambivalent message must be sent to all the riggers that election rigging will not be tolerated.
The record is there to show that, on Election Day, all day, the process was smoothly and efficiently executed. All the political parties declared that the Guyana Elections Commission had done a good job. The Election Day staff and the respective political parties’ polling agents completed the day’s activities by doing the counting and signing of the statements of poll. The GECOM Returning Officers in all the 10 administrative regions completed the counting and signed off, distributed and posted the statements of Poll.
The statements of poll were used to verify the elections in nine of the administrative regions. However, the riggers went to work in Region Four/ Georgetown. The SOPs were replaced, and the riggers tried desperately to use a well-prepared broadsheet to call the ‘rigging’ numbers in an effort to steal the elections. The entire nation, along with the local and international observers, protested vehemently at the ‘riggers’ blatant attempts to steal the elections.
It took this nation five long months of anxious waiting before the results of the National and Regional Elections were declared, and for the PPP/C to be sworn-in as the elected Government. The open hijacking of the election process was perpetrated in Region 4, Georgetown. The other nine Regions’ results were tabulated using the SOPs, and were accepted by all the parties that contested the elections.
GECOM’s Command Centre in Region 4 was stormed by a vicious mob spewing vicious threats in a desperate attempt to disrupt the tabulation and declaration of the results. One GECOM official rudely ejected the occupants of the building, falsely declaring that a ‘bomb’ was in the building.
Further, the police commander in Region 4 was sent packing, and was replaced to prevent the riggers from passing instructions and orders. The GECOM staffers had to flee from the building, and the chairperson was forced to go into hiding.
The strong leadership of PPP General Secretary Dr Bharrat Jagdeo and a united people with international support led to a national recount. The 2020 National and Regional Elections victory for the Government must be followed up with determination to put an end to rigged elections. All the political rhetoric about bloated voters list and bio-metrics are only obstacles and efforts to make noise. As this country approaches the 2025 elections, genuine efforts must be made to ensure that all election riggers are brought to justice. Strong penalties must be imposed on the guilty. Sanctions must be a deterrent to all riggers.

Neil Kumar