Home Letters Eligible Guyanese were side-lined under APNU/AFC’s COVID-19 Relief voucher programme
Dear Editor,
Most recently, the Audit Office of Guyana launched a special audit on the former APNU/AFC Administration’s COVID-19 pandemic assistance voucher programme for the period March to September 2020.
Under this programme, the former Government provided economic relief to citizens, including supplies and vouchers valued between $25,000 and $32,000. However, Guyanese who needed assistance were denied. Over 9000 out of 11,000 qualified applicants did not receive vouchers, and these APNU/AFC officials have not explained why. The programme excluded persons in the hinterland regions. Instead, they were promised hampers, the report stated.
According to the report, the COVID-19 Relief programme was supposed to be for residents of Regions Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and 10. The application process started in May 2020, and by June of 2020, some 26,283 applications had been received. One of the report’s findings was that vouchers were distributed to persons in regions not identified for vouchers. From the evidence that unfolded from the audit, it was clear that while the APNU/AFC Government was trying to steal an election, they were busy discriminating and penalising Guyanese citizens whom they believed supported the PPP/C political party.
The special audit found, however, that of the 11,098 applicants who were eligible for the relief, only 1814 were shortlisted for verification. This means that 9284 qualified applicants did not receive vouchers. Further, the Auditor General said no explanation was given as reason.
What every Guyanese needs to know is that during the COVID-19 pandemic Relief vouchers’ distribution process under the APNU/AFC Administration in 2020, it was uncovered that over 9000 applicants who were eligible to receive vouchers were sidelined under the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government.
The COVID-19 Pandemic Assistance Voucher Programme came into operation sometime in March/April 2020. The aim and objective of the programme was to provide economic relief to vulnerable households through the supply of hampers with fresh foods, dry rations, toiletries and sanitation items. The programme targeted single parents, senior citizens, disabled persons, and persons who suffered a loss of income due to the pandemic.
The programme was funded through the allocation of funds from the budget for the various agencies responsible for the management of the programme for the financial year 2020. Persons interested in benefiting from the programme were required to register online. Those without internet access were required to contact either the Ministry of Social Protection or the Ministry of Communities to have their application forms completed. Applicants were then shortlisted based on eligibility criteria approved by the Ministry of Finance. Eligible applicants’ information was verified and approved. Vouchers valued between $25,000 and $32,000 were dispatched by the post office.
Among the many corrupt processes that were discovered were incidents wherein multiple applications were processed for one applicant. There were also cases where forms of identification were not entered into the database for applicants. It is clear to me that while the APNU/AFC were putting this country and the Guyanese citizens through the 5 months of post-elections fiasco and saga, they were busy rejecting eligible and vulnerable households of many Guyanese, while ensuring that most of their support base benefit, even though they were not eligible, based on the criteria established.
The writing in on the wall as clear as crystal that the former APNU/AFC Administration didn’t care about the Guyanese people when the COVID-19 pandemic struck in 2020. Compare this with the actions of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic, which took office on August 02, 2020 and immediately put measures in place to support and protect every Guyanese, regardless of one’s political affiliation; which clearly demonstrates that Guyanese have finally elected a Government that cares about every citizen.
Our PPP/C elected Government immediately rolled out a universal cash transfer programme, delivering COVID-19 cash grants to every household across the country.
This injected essential liquidity into the household sector, and by extension helped to kickstart a resumption of economic activities.
Most recently, pensioners of Region Ten were able to sustain themselves for an additional month following the rollout of Government’s $25,000 one-off cash grant focused on rendering financial support amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The $25,000 grant benefited some 65,000 pensioners, and placed an additional $1.6 billion of disposable income in the hands of senior citizens.
A Government that cares about its citizens does not deny them and reject them from COVID-19 Relief funds.
APNU/AFC, you are encouraged to take this page out of our PPP/C Administration’s book.
David Adams