Dear Editor,
The organisers of Emancipation celebrations should be applauded for commemorating a historic event – freedom of slaves from a dehumanising system of free labour. And such celebrations should be emulated by other ethnic groups.
The Buxton First of August Movement (BFAM), African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA), and organisations around the country should be saluted for planning and hosting emancipation celebrations last weekend.
These are dynamic organisations that provide leadership to the African community. The advocacy by similar organisations for other ethnic groups is almost non-existent in Guyana. Other groups should emulate the working of the African organisations and collaborate with them on various projects. The African organisations are committed and dedicated to a worthy cause. Other communities in our homeland should emulate this Buxtonian group and ACDA, for example to assist with the cultural development of their peoples.
As the Buxton organisers note, the varied “activities served as a mobilisation tool for the reawakening of the emancipation spirit of African people”. One can’t help but admire the work of these outstanding African community activists from ACDA, Buxton First, etc.
It should be noted that although from different parties, and some were victims of the PNC’s terrible governance during the dictatorship, they came together to celebrate their identity. Their former enmity that existed among them and political differences do (did) not prevent them from collaborating and working together to engage in activities beneficial to their people.
These are a very proud people whose nationalism, concern for their community, and activities should be saluted and emulated by the rest of Guyana.
The organisation’s celebration warrants our support. People of other ethnic groups should work closely with our African brethren for what is best for our country.
Like the Africans, Indians are also marking their liberation from another dehumanising form of labour – indentured servitude – with similar activities to the Buxtonians being planned next March to commemorate the centennial of emancipation of Indians from indentured bondage.
Similar to how our African brethren in Buxton are observing emancipation anniversary, Indians should host activities throughout Guyana to examine the way forward for the Indian community.
As the PPP government did during its tenure to sponsor emancipation celebrations throughout the country, I welcome the financial support of the APNU-AFC coalition for African celebrations.
Similar sponsorship should be given to local organisers, community activists, of next March observances of the centennial of the British government’s legislation abolishing Indian indentureship, as well as to other ethnic groups celebrating their liberation and/or culture.
The PPP failed to provide meaningful support to Indian groups for varied Indian cultural activities. The coalition government should show it is different than PPP when it comes to Indian culture and provide financial support as it has been doing for African culture. We should learn to celebrate each other’s culture.
Yours truly,
Vishnu Bisram