Emancipation Pageant 2019 delegates unveiled

Alicia Joy Boodie
Alieca James
Denita Prowell
Marissa Scott
Marissa Williams
Melynda Paulinea Smith
Shenelly Lashley

The Miss Emancipation show is hosted during the month of Emancipation, August, and is incorporated in the national calendar of activities for Emancipation month.
Under the theme “Recolouring Culture in All Shades”, this year’s pageant will be held on August 17, 2019 at the National Cultural Centre.
The Miss Emancipation show is a highly anticipated occasion that takes the form of an African gala. It is one of the few occasions in which Guyanese adorn themselves in their African attire showcasing the richness of the culture. The main aim of the show is to showcase the beauty of the African culture while promoting community development and edifying our patrons on our African heritage, our challenges and solutions.
Miss Emancipation is more than just an African Guyanese show, it is an African experience. In 2012, Miss Guyana African Queen, brain child of Shauna Jemmott and supported by Dr. Melissa Varswyk, was held at the National Cultural Center.
In 2013, the show was renamed the Miss Emancipation Queen, in keeping with the celebrations in the month of August. The aim of the Miss Emancipation is to empower young African Guyanese women through culture awareness and education.
Over the years, the delegates of the Miss Emancipation have been engaging in a series of African History and women empowerment seminars. In addition, engaging in community projects in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics plays an integral role in moulding young minds to get involved in these fields to remain competitive in a changing world.
Today, 90% of the Miss Emancipation Committee is made up of past delegates. This is a testimony to the positive effects the Miss Emancipation experience have on the lives of our delegates. We continue to envision a fraternity of young empowered African Guyanese women; whose dreams are to uplift their communities and empower their sisters to be the best they can.
On the night of the pageant, the seven delegates will compete in an introduction segment; Business wear segment; Project presentation where the delegates will be given the opportunity to present their project and answer questions relating to their projects; Evening Gown segment and finally, the Question and Answer Segment.

Meet the delegates:

Delegate # 1

Name: Marissa Scott

Occupation: Student at the University of Guyana

Education: Associate’s Degree in Law

Life Goal: To further my education in International diplomacy, so as to connect Guyana to more developed nations and ensure a brighter future for us all.

Name: Denita Prowell

Delegate #2

Qualifications: Degree in Business Management

Pursuing Degree in Communications at University of Guyana

Life’s goal: I have many interests one of which happens to be fitness and health. I hope to one day own an online fitness business while I work as a reporter/journalist with a specification in solutions-based journalism.

Name: Shenelly Lashley

Delegate # 3

Qualifications: Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate Graduate & currently perusing a degree in Accountancy at Accountancy Training Centre

Life Goal: My current career goal is to become a successful CFO, African Culture Activist & a positive role model for my fellow females.

Name Marissa Williams.

Delegate # 4

Qualifications: CXC Graduate & Currently Pursuing A Certificate in Phlebotomy.

Life Goal: As a prospective psychiatrist, I recognize Guyana’s need for home-grown talent in the form of “planners” working towards international development.

As an urban warrior, m greatest challenge is in helping to improve the livelihoods of developing our cities through sustainable development and good governance principles.

Name: Alieca James

Delegate: # 5

Qualifications: Bachelor of Laws Degree, A levels- Sociology and Business Studies (CSEC)

Life Goal: My life goal is to become a lawyer who not only makes a difference, but, is the difference.

Name: Alicia Joy Boodie

Delegate # 6

Occupation: Research Officer at the Department of Public Service

Qualifications: Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate, Associate of Arts: English, Bachelor of Arts: Literature, Certificate in Leadership

Life Goals: Since literature is essentially my first love I would like to one day become a published poet and author.

Melynda paulinea smith

Delegate #7

Education: CXC graduate, ‘A’ levels in history and communication, Diploma in Communication, Currently pursuing degree in Communication, Certificate in youth empowerment training and business administration training

My vision for myself in five years is to Complete my degree and to be able to expand my business and becoming the leading brand in Guyana.