
We know that democracy in Guyana has been under attack ever since the PPP successfully passed its NCM back on Dec 21, 2018. From the way the PNC has (literally) demonised Charrandas (“Judas”; bribe taker; snake-in-the-grass, and so on) you’d never suspect that voting against your party on matters of conscience is a fundamental tenet of representative governance and democracy! And that’s why the NCM’s an integral part of the Constitution.
MPs are supposed to be represent their constituencies; and that’s why the Constitution was amended several times after 1992 to have 25 designated “Regional Representatives” distinct from the general MPs who’re selected from the list. Charrandas was a REPRESENTATIVE of Region 6, and the man clearly said his complaints to his party leadership – Nagamootoo and Ramjattan – on Granger’s decision to shutter 2 Berbice sugar estates and fire 4000 workers fell on deaf ears. Who wouldn’t hear had to “feel”.
Your Eyewitness doesn’t have to rehearse all the indignities piled onto our Constitution and our democracy as the PNC insisted that 33 wasn’t larger than 32 all the way to the highest court in the Caribbean, does he?? The shame! The shame!!
So, not being a masochist, your Eyewitness will move to the present frontal attack on our democracy, which had barely sprouted: Brigadier Granger appointing Lt Col. Harmon as CEO of a COVID-19 Task Force that was suddenly created after the US gave the country $100M to fight the pandemic.
Now, how does this endanger democracy? Well, if that’s still a question, dear reader, you haven’t been paying attention! Your Eyewitness has been pointing out how tyrants and would-be tyrants from China to Algeria have been moving under the COVID cover to suppress their opposition. In our case, let us not forget that the PNC-govt gazetted colonial era regulations supposedly to fight the virus, which allows them (for starters) to summarily arrest anyone they choose to, and even seize and burn their property. They don’t even need to invoke the National Security Act like Burnham did in the sixties to round up and jail dozens of PPP activists.
What shouldn’t pass unnoticed is that another ex-military character – who’d been interestingly appointed to establish the PUBLIC SERVICE INSTITUTE – was appointed by Granger as Harmon’s deputy. Harmon was given total responsibility and authority to hire other members of the COVID Task Force – and we don’t have to be clairvoyant to know he’ll be digging into the pool of ex-GDF types on whose loyalty he can be sure.
This COVID fight is a war, and Harmon is now in charge. And you can be sure it’s not only viruses he has in his sight!! Look out, Opposition and democracy!!

Technically, Harmon is supposed to be working “under” Nagamootoo, who’d been functioning as Chairman for a month. The announcement declared: “The CEO is responsible, under the direction of the Chair, for directing the NCTF operations and restarting interrupted activities; all important logistics measures necessary to prevent the disease from spreading further, directing rapid responses to unexpected and emergency incidents; developing short-term plans for disease prevention and safety of the people; and communicating directly with agencies, ministries, regional task forces, agencies and stakeholders.”
We know that this will merely replicate what went on at the MotP, where PM Nagamootoo had to genuflect to Harmon. That Harmon is also now responsible for speaking to the public has to be the unkindest cut of all to Nagamootoo, since we all know how that wanker just loves to hear the sound of his own voice.
But with Harmon now running this new Secretariat, what’s the position of Chairman Nagamootoo?
Well, he’s still in that supine position, where he can act as a doormat to Harmon!!

…the recount
Chairman Singh has already set a precedent with Chairman Nagamootoo for the COVID Task Force to control the recount – for “health” reasons. Be sure Harmon will be sending staff to “ensure” compliance.
Expect a stoppage if the PNC’s health is threatened by the recount!!