Existing and budding Guyanese entrepreneurs are being urged to incorporate digital forums to boost their businesses in a world where technology is rapidly advancing and becoming increasingly relevant in modern society.
The call was made by Business Minister Dominic Gaskin at the country’s first ever Digital Wealth Summit at the Marriott Hotel on Saturday.
The Summit is the brainchild of the Masterclass Institute – a business education

and training organisation with a goal of transforming the country’s economic landscape by using digital media to create additional streams of income for entrepreneurs.
During his presentation at the event, the Business Minister emphasised the need for more Guyanese to climb on-board the digital train, which is driving the global economy.
“Digital wealth creation means making money and using online platforms to do so… it’s an area of wealth creation Guyanese entrepreneurs are not participating in enough… I’d like to see more young Guyanese integrated more comfortably into the global network that is using digital connectivity as a platform for doing business,” he stated.
Gaskin said entrepreneurs need to grasp the concept that technology is changing the game of doing business and Guyana cannot be spared from these technological advancements.
“Use this tool to extend your reach,” he urged.
Public Telecommunications Minister Cathy Hughes also delivered remarks, particularly about her sector’s role in shaping an environment conducive for entrepreneurs to step up their game in the modern technological arena.
She reiterated that her Ministry’s aim is to work with partners to transform Guyana’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) landscape and to create a technologically driven economy.
“Until we start to improve the level of connectivity each and every citizen in Guyana has, we will not be able to get anywhere,” the Minister stated.
Hughes noted that the Ministry has made significant strides to open avenues for existing and budding entrepreneurs to capitalise upon for additional wealth creation.
Meanwhile, Masterclass Institute Founder, Dr Rosh Khan underscored to a packed room the importance of digital technology.
“A revolution is happening. We cannot afford to be left behind. It’s about time our economy takes part of this revolution… technology is here, it is time to apply our strategic knowledge,” he stated.
The Digital Summit will show attendees exactly how to use technology to make legitimate and life-changing money with the Internet.
The Summit will help Guyanese understand all the elements to creating digital profits by tapping into the global demand for virtual service, promising that the knowledge shared at the Summit has the power to change the economic landscape of Guyana.