EPA trains 64 new teachers in environmental education
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has trained 64 trainee teachers and lecturers of the Cyril Potter College of Education’s six centres – Anna Regina, Vreed-en-Hoop; New Amsterdam; and Linden, Georgetown (in-service) and Turkeyen (pre-service) – on environmental education.
The training was part of its 9th annual Environmental Education Training Workshop hosted during November 28-30, 2018, at Camp Alpha, Soesdyke/Linden Highway.
The goal of the workshop was to enable participants to utilise a variety of methods
The teachers who were trained in environmental education
to successfully infuse environmental education into the main subject areas of the school’s curricula – Science, Social Studies, Mathematics and English Language. The natural setting of the workshop served as a constant reminder and learning tool for the indispensable benefits our environment provides.
It also supported a fun and interactive learning process and equipped teachers to effectively engage in Environmental Education in support of the Green State Development Strategy.