ERC statement on the incident at the Mabaruma church

The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) expresses deep concern over a video circulating in the public domain that depicts a police officer interrupting a church service and escorting the church’s musician out of the premises to the police station over an alleged complaint of noise nuisance emanating from the church in Mabaruma, Region One.
The ERC vehemently condemns any action that infringes upon the freedom of worship, as enshrined in the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. While the ERC acknowledges the responsibility of the Guyana Police Force to address reported complaints, the Commission strongly believes that this matter could have been handled in a way that was less disruptive to the church service.
In accordance with Article 212D of the Guyana Constitution, the ERC is dedicated to its mandate to ‘Encourage and create respect for religious, cultural and other forms of diversity in a plural society.’ Accordingly, the Commission will conduct a thorough investigation into the incident, and work towards an amicable resolution for all parties involved.
Moreover, the ERC takes this opportunity to emphasize that numerous cases brought to the Commission’s attention have involved ethnic tensions arising from noise disturbances. Therefore, the Commission urges all citizens to be respectful and considerate of each other within our communities by maintaining noise levels that are appropriate for everyone.
Together, we can all contribute to fostering a society rooted in peace and harmony.