ERC summons Dr David Hinds over Cybercrime Act violation

…tells Aubrey Norton to “conduct himself in a responsible manner”

In probing recent complaints over alleged breaches of the country’s Cybercrime Act, the Ethnic Relations Commission has summoned Working People’s Alliance (WPA) Executive Member, Dr David Hinds for violation.
The first complaint was made following statements or remarks arising from a post by Albert Morgan on a live Facebook broadcast hosted by Dr Hinds, titled Politics 101.

Dr David Hinds

The Commission, having reviewed the post, said it was found to be a serious threat to life and sought the assistance of the Guyana Police Force for further investigation.
“Having been advised by the Police that Morgan was taken into custody, the Commission provided two statements reflecting its concerns and its firm belief that the said post transgressed the Laws of Guyana, including the Cybercrime Act. Dr Hinds was also written to and asked to appear before the Commission given that he failed to condemn the post and/or disassociate himself from it,” the Commission disclosed.
At that time, Prime Minister Mark Phillips commented on the utterances of Hinds, where he called for racial harmony to prevail.

ERC Chairman,
Dr Ronald McGarrell

“Hinds’s cynical and race-hate commentary on his programme ‘Politics 101’ is an affront to the collective effort of the Government and the wider Guyanese society to promote racial harmony and to focus our people on the ever-expanding developmental path,” he penned.
Since the ERC was reconstituted on March 21, 2023, a number of complaints were received and reviewed. It has also reviewed a video recording from a recent public meeting during which the Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton, made demeaning comments against First Lady Arya Ali. He has since been written by the body to conduct himself in a responsible manner during public engagements.
“The ERC is of the firm view that the context and explicit reference were unnecessary, demeaning, provoking and not in keeping with the esteemed Office of the Opposition Leader. It outlined in its letter that it was necessary to advance an atmosphere of respect and responsible behaviour during public discourses which are tenets vital to the promotion of peace and harmony.”

Tacuma Ogunseye
Meanwhile, two complaints were received pertaining to comments allegedly made by Executive Member of the WPA, Tacuma Ogunseye at a public meeting in March 2023 at Buxton, East Coast Demerara. The matter is currently engaging the attention of the Guyana Police Force.

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton

In April, the 71-year-old appeared before Magistrate Fabayo Azore at the Vigilance Magistrate’s Court, East Coast Demerara (ECD). The charge read that he attempted to excite hostility or ill-will against a section of the public on the ground of their race by words spoken by him.
Ogunseye made several damning remarks that day, among which the member declared that “the first objective is to get the African team in a state of battle readiness… the Afro-Guyanese Police and soldiers… would stand with Afro-Guyanese in resisting mainly Indo-Guyanese supporting the PPP/C.”
Meanwhile, the ERC said a number of complainants have opted not to pursue their respective matters for complaints which were received by the Secretariat in 2022. Several other complaints are currently under review and the necessary action will be instituted. (G12)