Home News Essequibian wins new Kia from Rotary Club
…organisation raising funds for National Library’s Bookmobile
In light of Basic Education and Literacy being one of the six areas of focus of Rotary International, the Rotary
Club of Georgetown partnering with the Education Ministry to set up book clubs across Guyana hosted a raffle to raise funds for the venture.
On Saturday, the organisation hosted its grand drawing of a Kia vehicle along with six months of free auto insurance, compliments of the GTM Group of Insurance Companies.
Minister within the Education Ministry with responsibility for Culture, Youth and Sport Nicolette Henry performed the honours of drawing the winner’s name at Courts, Main Street.
When winner Mohan Narine’s name was called, he displayed amazement that he won the grand prize after only purchasing one ticket. Additionally, a number of other household items were up for grabs as consolation prizes.
Speaking with this publication, immediate past president of the Rotary Club of Georgetown Lisa Cox stated that the funds raised will go towards the purchasing of a Bookmobile for the National Library.
The National Library has been offering the Bookmobile service for 31 years with the first Book Mobile service offered to the public on 25 April, 1984.
The mobile service is an asset in the provision of library service since it allows the young and elderly to have access to books. The Book Mobile membership stands at 3000.
Rotary Club of Georgetown launched their vehicle raffle on Thursday 22 October, 2015 at the National Library.