Estate closures, another mistake for the country

Dear Editor,
The Government, according to the press, is determining other Estate closures, the closure of the entire sugar industry and/or the divestment of the sugar industry, partially or wholly. It is noted that such consideration is being pursued under the watch of the current GuySuCo CEO and, from what he is influencing these days sounds in keeping with his long-held view. It is understood that the CEO in the latter part of his employ in GuySuCo as Finance Director had advocated that certain sections of the industry be closed. And, as the head of Booker-Tate operations in the Latin America and Caribbean region, he may have – at the least – been aware of the systematic decline of the Uitvulgt Estate, a few years ago, which would provide the pretext to have it sold off at a low price.
It seems that the CEO is now seeking to reach the selling out objective as the industry insiders say he has high-level links and enjoys enormous authority in the industry. It is said that the CEO strongly subscribes to the view that the industry should not be owned by the State. If this is so, then the current ‘sale’ proposals may be in keeping with his ideology stance. Closure and divestment are not wise choices. I urge our Government to acquaint itself with the partial divestments experience of Jamaica, which has had untold sad consequences for the people connected to sugar there.
As a patriotic Guyanese, I have a strong feeling about the country’s assets going to enrich others, especially foreigners, given our colonial experience.
It will do no good not to forget that the current CEO is not new to the industry’s administration. He spent several years there. Indeed, he cannot be blameless or be separated from the travails of sugar. Selling, as is being contemplated, will be yet another mistake for the industry and, no doubt, the country.

Yours sincerely,
Cohoojoh Caesar