“Every Day We Cry”: Families of missing men seek answers 2 months after Mazaruni boat collision

The families of Troy Anthony Joseph, 35, and Cranston Davidson, 43, both from Agatash Village, Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), who have been missing since July 5 following a boat collision in the Mazaruni River, are still searching for answers.
More than two months after the tragic incident, the families continue to grapple with the pain and uncertainty. Davidson’s sister, Felicia Edward, told the Guyana Times that the families of the two men wake up each day without knowing what happened to their loved ones, and their children miss them deeply.
“Every day we cry. Every time we look at or pass their pictures…we don’t know what happened to them. Since the last search, we haven’t heard from the police or anybody. We just want to know what happened that night,” Edward said.
“The other day was one of their daughter’s birthday and she kept holding her father’s picture and didn’t want to put it down”.

Missing: Troy Anthony Joseph and Cranston Davidson

The accident occurred when the boat, captained by Oswald Hudson Sr., 60, collided head-on with another boat operated by Shavez Thomas, 29. The crash threw all occupants into the water. Despite rescue efforts, only six people were pulled from the river, with Hudson Jr.’s body later recovered.
Since then, the families of the missing men have expressed frustration with the lack of support from authorities. While the police initially reported Hudson Jr.’s death, the families later confirmed that Davidson and Joseph were also onboard.
On the same day, an article was published highlighting the families’ frustrations over the lack of police support. The Maritime Administration (MARAD) and police joined the families in search for the men, conducting searches on July 6, 9, and 10 in the Mazaruni and Essequibo Rivers, but to no avail. Another team returned to assist on Monday, but Edward reported that they were only helped for one and a half days.
Davidson’s sister also mentioned that Thomas, the other boat’s driver, was arrested and placed on bail as investigations continue. Despite these efforts, there is still no trace of Davidson and Joseph, leaving their families in anguish.
The families are appealing for more comprehensive search operations and greater transparency from the police and other involved agencies.