A 53-year-old ex-Policeman turned security guard, Deon Aaron, was unanimously found guilty of raping a three-year-old female relative when the matter came to an end at the Sexual Offences Court on Wednesday.
The jury took about two hours to arrive at the verdict. Justice Jo-Ann Barlow delayed Aaron’s sentencing to November 8, 2018 after his lawyer, Madan Kissoon
Convicted child rapist: Deon Aaron
requested a probation report be prepared on his client’s behalf.
Although Aaron denied the offence earlier this month before his trial started, he stood with little expression when the jury forewoman announced the guilty verdict. Aaron was remanded to prison until his sentencing. It was alleged that he sexually penetrated the child between March 1 and October 20, 2016 at an East Bank Demerara village. Attorneys Abigail Gibbs, Seeta Bishundial and Tiffini Lyken prosecuted the ‘rape of a child under-16’ case.
Reports were that the child was left in the man’s care when her mother was not at home. However, when the woman returned, her daughter complained of feeling unwell. After an investigation, the ex-Policeman was arrested, charged and later released on bail. Aaron had been committed to stand trial in the High Court in March 2018 following his arraignment in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts in February 2018.