Home Letters Expired goods being sold at Port Mourant Market
Dear Editor,
It is now becoming epidemic and frustrating to see the high volume of expired goods that are being circulated and sold to consumers at the Port Mourant Market in Berbice.
The prevalence of expired goods at the market has increased rapidly over the past few weeks. It was observed that retailers at the market removed the expiry dates printed on the items by the manufacturers and stamped a later date.
Consumers are conned into believing that the products sold have not expired as yet and due to the reduced costs, they are purchasing in large quantities. Some of these items are Butter, bottled juices, Ovaltine, biscuits and other confectioneries, carbonated stuff, etc.
Editor, these practices are illegal and unhealthy to the nation’s population and economy. This incessant practice will in the immediate future cause widespread food-related poisoning.
To date, the Environmental and Health Inspection units have made no attempt to get these expired goods off the market’s stalls. With each passing week the volume of expired goods keeps increasing so is the number of victims susceptible to food poisoning.
The public needs to be educated on these illegal practices and its dire consequences so as to make healthier decisions before purchasing these items.
It will be most grateful if the Government’s Environmental and Health units do something as soon as possible so as to get these items off the stalls of the Port Mourant Market.
David Brigbhukan