
…AG’s ad fibbing
The depths to which the PNC hardliners will sink in their desperate attempts to hold on to power were illustrated in an interview of Attorney General Basil Williams by Enrico Woolford on State TV, NCN. Asked to explain why he was only now insisting 34 votes were needed to pass the no-confidence motion when he stood mute in the National Assembly as the Speaker took minutes to announce his decision in favour of the motion with 33 votes, Williams incredulously claimed he knew all along about the 34 votes “required”!!
Said he with a straight face: “I certainly acted in accordance with the intelligence that I had and with all the experience [and] instincts acquired over the years, working with three presidents, I believe that we did very well to be in this position, rather than if I had interjected and the count restarted, and the other moles were then activated, we would not have had a position, the vote would have been legally carried.” Ha!!
So he didn’t speak THEN…but what about right after when the APNU and AFC leaders huddled to assess the situation? Or when the said leaders – with him prominently present – addressed the press and PM Nagamootoo admitted they’d lost the vote and would be resigning immediately? Or the next day when the President also accepted the verdict and promised to do the right thing? Isn’t he supposed to be the President’s legal advisor??
But this isn’t just Basil Williams’ idiosyncratic ad fibbing – it’s the way of the paramount PNC, which has to impress into its followers that it is omniscient, not to mention all powerful!! The PNC under Burnham maintained the omniscient image because of the network of spies it cultivated – both from the intelligence units of the GDF and the Police and the citizens they encouraged to “snitch” on their neighbours in exchange for banned items at the Knowledge Sharing Institutes (KSIs). The irony of ‘sharing knowledge’ wasn’t lost on the populace!!
Williams, of course, was clueless about any precedent for 34 being the “majority” in the 65-member House – for the simple reason that there’s simply no such precedent! It was only when Nigel Hughes threw out his red herring, that it dawned on Williams and the rest of the motley collection of lawyers in the PNC and AFC that they had a straw which they could now clutch in a vain attempt to not drown in the cesspool of greed and venality they’ve been swimming in for the last three years.
But at best, they are only delaying their moment of ejection.
It is surely said that “time longer than twine!!”

 …Chronic’s gutter journalism
Another obstacle the PNC sees in its way of holding onto power is the party former Toshao Lenox Shuman has promised to launch later this month – the Liberal and Justice Party (LJP). With the AFC now absolutely “dead meat” as evidenced by the stench emanating from their quarters, the PNC is hoping they can fill the gap with the votes of Indigenous peoples that Shuman is hoping to attract.
They ran a nasty little hatchet JOB in their Old Year’s edition, regurgitating allegations about his performance as Toshao in St Cuthbert’s Mission that were originally made in March 2017!! These allegations had been investigatED and Shuman was cleared AS REPORTED IN THE CHRONICLE!! Knowing in this age of Google, this could be easily retrieved, the Chronic cut the link –- evidently unaware that the original citation is still there in hyperspace!
“TOSHAO SHUMAN CLEARED OF WRONGDOING – Guyana Chronicle Mar 20, 2017 –
“TOSHAO of St Cuthbert’s Mission, Lenox Shuman has been cleared by the authorities of several allegations which were levelled against him”
How low can the PNC get?

…AFC’s desperation
Ramjattan was also interviewed by Woolford who asked him if he had any evidence of the bribe he alleged PPP had to have paid Charrandas Persaud. “We are having it because he has spoken to people.”
Since when hearsay is evidence??