Dear Editor,
I was greatly alarmed when I read the news emanating from all the outlets in Guyana that the ‘President takes full responsibility for secret US$18M Exxon Fund’ which was said to be deposited into a special account at the Bank of Guyana.
Regardless of being President of Guyana or not, this is a clear violation of the Constitution and the relevant sections of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act. Granger, as President, holding the highest office of the Land is telling the Guyanese public that it was he; that he was the one who directed this massive violation of the Constitution and relevant sections of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act.
As the holder of the highest office in Guyana, what example are you setting to the Ministers, MP’s, public servants and generally the entire nation as a whole? This is gross and will not be tolerated anywhere else in the world, except Guyana.
The President as well as his Ministers has deceived the nation for almost a year, declining any knowledge of the EXXON bonus, yet based on the President’s statement, he among others had total knowledge of same. Why was this kept secret? Were there ulterior motives?
He further indicated that the money is to be used for ‘national security’. I challenged him to make available a plan in place for the utilisation of the funds.
As far as I am concerned, the nation cannot be duped with utter nonsense from ‘national security’ to ‘fees for territorial integrity’ or some such rubbish, unless same can be justified, which I doubt. If there is a ‘national security threat’, the President is responsible for informing the citizenry about the type of threat and where it is expected.
I just believe Granger is using his presidential immunity to protect all involved in this bizarre act of non-compliance and non-accountability, nothing more or less. By knowingly violating the Constitution and laws of Guyana, it can be proven that he is “UNFIT AND IMPROPER” to be leading the Guyanese nation and sitting in the highest office of Guyana as President.
In just plain straight talk, the signing bonus from EXXON should have been rightfully deposited into the Consolidated Fund according to the related financial regulations of Guyana and those responsible for doing otherwise should be dealt with in accordance with the related laws of the land.
Another reference recently made by the President is that he deplores the behaviour of the PPP MPs. Was he really apprised of the true reason(s) that caused that uproar on December 11, 2017. I am 100 per cent sure he knows all the facts that surrounds the situation. I am also sure he viewed all the video footage, yet he came up biased.
Unfortunately, with regard to the MP’s behaviour in Parliament, the President did not mention Minister’s Nicolette Henry’s outrageous and disrespectful remarks in Parliament about “Chatree”. This is disrespectful to a majority of the Guyana population, yet he never mentioned a word to discredit her. Isn’t it very unusual also that a sitting Education Minister does not have any knowledge of the holidays and their meanings within their own country. In Guyana, national holidays and their significance are being taught in Kindergarten. What a shame!
One other point I should bring to the attention of the Guyanese people is that the Prime Minister had said during his election campaign/promises that sugar will never be dead as long as he is in office. As we all know now, sugar is dead. The social and economic impact of those sugar workers who were giving marching orders on such a great time of the year will have a significant negative impact in the society where they reside as with no money, there can be no purchases, which can lead to stealing, murder, rape and all other forms of crimes and negative effects that any society does not tolerate.
Yet this Prime Minister was making a mockery of these poor and humble sugar workers by telling them to “Give my regards to Jagdeo”, implying that he is happy about the plight of the sugar workers’ life and Jagdeo cannot do anything to help them.
Laurence Williams
Toronto, Canada